Sunday, 27 February 2022

Round 1-6 (Regan Capp)

Regan Capp's Household

Regan and her husband Cornwall are preoccupied with their careers, but Bianca Monty's affections for Regan's brother Kent have the household on alert. Will Kent have the courage to break the vendetta?

Consort's third daughter, Regan, was betrothed to Cornwall Capp. Despite her relutance about the principle of the arrangement at first, how long will it take for her to realise the two of them actually have quite a lot in common, including their fierce ambitions and work ethics?
 Someone Cornwall has much less in common with is Regan's younger brother Kent, who is the odd one out of the family - he'd much rather study rather than make money, and his friendship with Bianca Monty is causing tensions within the Capp ranks.

As always, let's first take a look at their LTWs and personalities

Regan Capp
Own 5 Top-Level Businesses. Which does go well with her story of wanting to make her own fortune, rather than live off her family's.

Cornwall Capp
And here's why Cornwall makes for a good fit for Regan. The same LTW and very similar personalities, with Regan being more playful and nice, and Cornwall being more outgoing and active. for now they'd have to work regular careers, but hopefully they'll soon have enough money to buy a community property.

Kent Capp
Kent meanwhile is focused on maxing out 7 skills. After he's stopped crying from Cornwall bullying him again, he'll focus on finding a new job so he can save up some money to move out.

First things first I'll focus on Regan's motives, as she has to go to work soon and is eligible to get a promotion.

As Cornwall tries out the easel to make some extra money, the newspaper arrives...

... Luckily for Kent, one of the three jobs he wants happens to have an open spot. Kent has joined the Education ladder!

Albany AND Oberon walk by. Time to welcome some visitors. Also, KENT WANTS A PUPPY!!!

Kent seems to have a good match with Oberon... I wonder what will come from this, but since I try to play wants-based...

Not soon after the welcome wagon arrived.

And local townie Demi Love immediately picks a fight with Peter Ottomas :o 

Kent in the meanwhile has rolled a want to flirt with Albany.... Oof. 

So I got Albany, Kent and Oberon in the same room and got Kent to scope the room, just to check his preference... Oberon won!

Not sure on Oberon though as he's recently got married to Titania. Maybe he can spot some potential guys at the Veronaville Market.

Target: Locked.

Target: Blocked???

Oh me oh my, with Kent's good friend Bianca out of everybody...

After a while Bianca left the place, which gave Kent the opportunity to get to know Cyd Roseland a bit better while playing some darts.

Kent decided to take the risk either way...

And it somehow worked? After a bit they became friends...

And during the date, Cyd got a one-sided crush on Kent after Bianca got a one-sided crush on Cyd...

The date went okay, and the guys actually KISSED each other when it ended :3

About time for Kent to go home.

Where Regan got home from work and indeed made a promotion :D

I bought them a massage table, per Regan's wants... Maybe she and Cornwall could begin a massage salon or a spa one day :D

Shaddup Stalking Hobby Instructor. 

Regan dropped wants to go for Cornwall, and when she pursued them the two officially got crushes on each other.

Cornwall put the finishing touches to his painting... Not worth a lot though. But practice makes perfect.. and with that comes the dough.

Time to send out the visitors.

Which, after Kent goes up to sleep, leaves Regan and Cornwall some personal quality time.

Which ends in the bedroom. Will there be babies soon?

When the sun, and with it Kent got up, the autumn breeze told us that it is time for us to move to the next household: 

Widow Antonio Monty and his twin children Beatrice and Benedick.

To be continued

Friday, 25 February 2022

Round 1-5 (Bianca Monty)

Bianca Monty
Bianca Monty is happy to be out on her own, but can she find someone to make a family with?

The youngest child of Patrizio and Isabella Monty, Bianca, recently moved out of her parents' place. She loves her family and wants to have children on her own, but so far she's never found the right person.
Her one quality that most Montys and Capps are wary of is her close friendship with Kent Capp. Despite Kent being gay and therefore not an option for her, could their friendship become a key to eventually make peace between the families?

As always, let's first take a look at their LTWs and personalities

Bianca Monty
Reach the top of the Culinary Career... in which she is already halfway up, which should make it a breeze for her, considering she has plenty of time left to go up.

First thing Bianca did is to meet and greet some of the neighbours from the apartment building. One of them, Curtis Ryan, even offered for his friend Carla McCullough to make a call.

Speaking of apartments, this is what Bianca's looks like. 

Bianca's got to work in the afternoon and is eligible to make a promotion, so for now I'm building up her motives to make her shine at work.

Watching that one hospital drama series XD

Time to knock on the door of the other apartment.

Which happens to be Cyd Roseland's, who we'll play as later on in this round. And I think Bianca likes him :3

Sadly the two of them cannot hang out for too long, as Bianca's carpool has arrived.

And bam! Promotion! Though we'll have some work to do to become eligible for the next one.

And just at that moment Bianca's mother Isabella Monty and Carmen Patch walked by (I briefly got her name confused with Carla McCullough's)

With everyone out in the front I made Bianca scope the room. Cyd is her preferred choice over Curtis!

Not soon after Bianca brought someone along to a community lot...

Though I reckon burning burgers is not the best way to begin a mother-daughter outing together.

And to make things even worse Consort Capp decides to show his face as well!

Luckily Consort left pretty quickly and the Unsavory Charlatan decided to go and pickpocket the cashier instead, so mother and daughter could have some quality time together.

I declare it a success.

Back at the Helluva Hacienda Apartments Bianca chats up Cyd for a bit.

Followed by studying some cooking per her wants...

... and talking with Carmen Patch about aliens.

"Have you heard of the high elves?"

Luckily Bianca has the next day off, which means she can go to bed late.

The next morning it was still summer, so Bianca still got some time to pursue Cyd and try for that Very First Kiss.

But sadly things turned into Autumn right before I declared the timing to be right. Cliffhanger >:D

Next time we'll be playing Bianca's friend Kent Capp, who is living in with his sister Regan Capp and her husband Cornwall.

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...