Sunday, 15 December 2024

Round 6-1 part 2 (Capp Manor)

Capp Manor
Previously at Capp Manor: Juliette and Puck officially tied the knot and - most likely by recommendation of Nora Zuimelhof, are on a honeymoon trip to Takemizu Village before they will start their parenthood!

Let's start where we left off last time - our newlyweds signing in the luxurious hotel!

"Smile to the camera, Jules!"

After trying to enter the zen zone...

Our newlyweds had lunch at the hotel's restaurant!

Now that everyone settled in, it's time to go on a tour!

Let's try the Riverboat tour!

Oof.. That was a really bad idea, especially with half a baby on board.

Puck manages to stay optimistic however.

That little accident did do horrors for Juliette's mood...

So it's time to take it easy and do an eepy.

Not the Prank Caller ruining their sleep!

However, Puck took the opportunity to call some room service now that he had the phone in his hand anyways.

Time to get back to bed...

... and skip to the next morning!

After calling the Information Bureau...

... Juliette and Puck felt inspired...

... to explore the village a bit, starting with the market!

Time to try out some local delicacies.

Juliette's pregnancy cravings kick in!

"Dang I got a grain of rice stuck behind my tooth!"

*Juliette plucks out the rice*

"Much better!"

After breakfast it was time to hit the shops for jewellery and souvenirs.

Our newlyweds followed it with a dance outside.

Meanwhile a different kind of dance was going on indoors.

Puck and Juliette just learned Tai Chi!

Juliette's starting to feel a bit stressed so it's time to relax in the spa!

... that is, for Puck - why can't Juliette jump in??

At least Juliette can put on the necklace Puck bought her - it's just like her colour!

Even a massage is banned for pregnant Sims??? Tch, that's much for the spa trip..

While Puck is enjoying a massage, Juliette has some extra food in the back.


Following her food binge she sits on the couch - thanks to her being a couch potato!

Oh wow, more food!

After Puck learned the massage...

... it was time to go back to the hotel...

... and relax for a little.

Our pregnant Juliette needs her afternoon naps.

Puck meanwhile decides to try and work out to get in shape again - if only the TV area wasn't as crowded...

After another meal...

It's time to hit the Shrine Park!

A place full of peace and love.

Unless, of course, the shrine doesn't like your money...

... and hurls bees after you.

Hopefully a game of mah-jong will relax Juliette again.

Afterwards Juliette goes to spend her money on another souvenir.

... while Puck spends his on the shrine.

Bad idea.

It heccin ITCHY!

Time to go back to the hotel...

... so that Juliette can get some rest again.

Tip - honeymoons when one of the travellers is pregnant is NOT the best idea.

After a bit of rest it's time to go on another tour...

Time to fly!

Puck got stuck!

Ooh extra money cannot hurt the Capp estate!

What CAN however, is the loud-ass helicopter!

After another meal together...

It's time to sleep in for the night.

The next morning, Puck has some quality time with his child!

Juliette meanwhile is craving for Puck's cake!

After the long-ass brunch was over, it was time to tour once again!

More money! Excellent!

While Juliette takes another nap...

Puck goes for the zen garden.

Bye Puck!

.... where did he go?

There did he go!

Ah, now he's over here!

And now he's over here, getting dunked on by a plate of food!

Puck got traumatised by this ordeal.

At least Juliette enjoys the food.

Time for a dessert round!

With the stomachs filled, it's time to hit the town once more!

"Would you like some tea?"

"Would you like some soap?"

"It's state of the art!"

THIS is why he's named after the guy from A Midsummer Night's Dream!

Time to get out before the authorities find out.

It's the morning of Puck and Juliette's departure and they're off to sleep juuuust a little bit before the shuttle comes and picks them up...

When the clock's about to hit 9 it's time to get some final preparation done...

... sign out of the hotel...

... and then just wait...

... until the shuttle is ready to pick everyone up!"

Back to the manor we go!

Where Ariel starts off with a skill point for Charisma in the pocket!

After picking up the Vacation Benefits...

... it's time to immediately make use of them! Puck is finally trying to get fit...

... while Juliette is working on her charms.

Ariel meanwhile got a call from Katherine Gregory... there are bolts could this lead to a date?

Nah - it just leads to bedtime... with Hermia and Desdemona's beds laying empty.

After a night of spooning together...

... morning, and winter, hit at Capp Manor!

And when the final ghost jumps back to their grave, it's time to move on to the next family in Veronaville - the rival Monty Ranch!

To be continued

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