Sunday, 29 December 2024

Round 6-2 (Monty Ranch)

Monty Ranch
Previously at Monty Ranch: Romeo returned to the Ranch after graduating college, and Mercutio got married to his college classmate Carla Carr - now Monty. The two brothers are ready to kickstart the new generation of Monty leadership into action!... if they can drop off their wilder sides to take that responsibility, that is.

We start things where we left off last time - with Carla waking up and me being REALLY annoyed that she didn't even get to properly graduate considering game mechanics...

After playing around a bit and not saving each time however...

... I found a method to reset her college degree outcome...

... which means that if I use the batbox, Simblender and a degree forger...

... I can give Carla the degree she ought to have!


With everything fixes up - it's time to focus on Mercutio's want - let's continue the Monty bloodline!

After Romeo dealt with another prank caller, he went job-hunting again - and what are the odds of having an opening for his dream job right there?

It's the bottom of the ladder but it's something!

Time to get Romeo back to his dream of selling a masterpiece...

... while we reset Carla's outfits and show off her traits!

Speaking of which...

Mercutio - Daredevil, Dog Person, Good Sense of Humour, Mooch, Unlucky
Carla - Adventurous, Born Salesperson, Coward, Loves Outdoors, Schmoozer
Romeo - Charismatic, Family Oriented, Flirty, Great Kisser, Lucky

Breakfast time!

Carla is not able to enjoy her omelettes, for some reason...

Let's put her back to bed to keep the baby comfy.

After a bit of rest I realised Carla could earn a logic skill point while sitting - might as well rise her comfort that way.

With Mercutio training his charisma, it's up to Romeo to take care of the bills.

Afterwards he decides he deserves a reward for his hard work today - time to hit P.U.R.E.!

There he walks into Gretchen Stompel.

The two hit it off right away!

So much so, in fact, that the two go on an impromptu date together.

New love on the dance floor, what could go wrong???

Goneril Capp can.

Don't act all surprised Gon, you started the fight to begin with!

After shooing out that clown...

... it's time for more Gretchen!

Romeo brought the Dream to the Dream Date - if only Gretchen realised Romeo was thinking of 5 other ladies...

After earning a few extra bucks running the DJ table...

... and an unlucky go at the Dance Orb...

- whoa, I put my money on Carla vomiting first -

Romeo met with Whatshername Thesloblady.

Any progress in her as a conquest was halted by Caryl walking in.

Imagine if Sims could learn about each others' relationship statuses and traits by witnessing, but it also being possible to lie to other Sims about what's going on, leading to a complicated web of lies certain folks could find themselves in?


We need a mod for that!

Turns out the dip kiss strained Caryl's neck a bit, so Romeo helps her rub out the pain. What could go wrong???

Regan Capp can.

Romeo did not like that.

Going to the roof, Romeo met Naenae. (I think? Was Jalowitz her last name? I cannot even recall anymore.)

Romeo also met this lady (Angel was it? Pons?...)

He met Oberon Summerdream - someone we DO know.

and also met this woman whose name I *really* do not recall and who isn't interested in Romeo anyways so for this episode's storyline she really isn't all that relevant anyways.

ANYWAYS time to go home and start coming up with names to remember all those names a bit better.

Mercutio has it way easier - he just needs to remember Carla and when his carpool arrives and that's about it. Oh, and that he's a member of the games hobby club now.

At least we all still remember Gretchen, right?...

Time to move on from her though, to Cassidy who we still know from our college years!

Romeo immediately goes for the proactive approach.

We interrupt this episode of Romeo On The Hunt with this ad for Grand Parlour Chess Tables. Grand Parlour Chess Tables - when you really need to improve on your critical thinking.


When the red hearts start floating...

... it's time to take things to the bedroom!

Dammit Gretchen, this is some REALLY poor timing!

We say our goodbyes to Cassidy...

... and welcome back Mercutio, who got himself a promotion!

He grilled the people at home some burgers to celebrate!

- while Carla made friends with her old college professor.

After his wild day out, Romeo needs to hit the hay early for his early job hours.

This leaves Mercutio and Carla with some quality time. And what is the best way two fairly recent newlyweds can spend their time together?

Video games!

Followed by bedtime.

The next early morning, it's time for Romeo to go to his new job!

This leaves the house to Mercutio and Carla once again!

Time for Mercutio to NOT cook breakfast - we're out of groceries.

And Mercutio doesn't have the time to hit the supermarket because of his own imminent carpool, while Carla is ALSO job hunting and Romeo is ALSO having an adventure at his job...

... welp.

The job fairy giveth...

... and the job fairy taketh.

At least Naenae Jalowitz is 1) indeed the name of that one girl we met at P.U.R.E....

... and 2) willing to come over to give Romeo some much needed company after his tragic loss.

Goodbye Mercutio, welcome Naenae!

While Romeo and Naenae play some red hands, Carla is playing the guitar!

... Until...

Guess it'll take a couple days before Carla can start at her new job. At least she'll have some guaranteed maternity pay - a luxury Romeo didn't get.

At least Romeo got the luxury of plenty of charisma to seduce Naenae.

But first.

It's up to Carla Monty to take up the duty to provide groceries to the Monty Ranch!

Oh hi Gretchen!
Time to see our new local kleptomaniac, Cyd Roseland, in action! I really like traits that make a difference in game behaviour.

While Carla just goes and takes care of her groceries and gets out of here asap...

Cornwall and Kent get into a fight once more...

... and Cyd found another pickpocketing victim!

Back at Monty Ranch, the hearts start flowing!

The lips start pouting!

Yet when the blossoming romance needed to catch a break, it didn't.

Time to say our goodbyes to her for now and lunch around with Carla.

Oh no... well, Bianca got away with the Italian Wedding soup.. hopefully Mercutio can, too?

Goodness. I guess culinary prowess really runs through the Monty veins.

Romeo meanwhile, needs a change of pace, a change of place.

Time to visit sunny Twikkii Island - one of his conquests, Amy Platz, told him some good stories about there.

One flight later...

... and we find ourselves with the vacation house Romeo bought last Summer... if only this place wasn't so empty... 

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


It's really basic, but I think it should get the job done!

After all, there is a LOT of opportunities of exploration on Twikkii Island, if you catch the drift.

First things first - the beach!

First there was Mira...

... she seems to be up for some Romeo lovin'.

Sanora Zubira is a bit more reserved however.

Also Ivy Platz, who Romeo once walked into downtown is calling... might be worth to keep ties to her fresh and open.

Kaleo Moana seems like a solid match for Romeo.

The same can be said of Pauahi Liliha.

Even though the spark with Aleka Kaleo is a bit dull, Romeo and her hit it off together anyways.

After his first steps in building his tropical conquest network, Romeo decides to soak up some sunrays.

Not enough to get a tan, however. 

While he was about to leave, Romeo also stumbled across Pauahi's sister Naomi.

Time to hit the hot springs!

After a massage to get a bit of extra energy...

Romeo tried out the pineapple surprise.

He followed it up by soaking in the local hot springs with the other folks on Tropical Twikkii.

With the clock going WAY too far in the AMs though, it was time to go home and hit the hay.

The next morning...

Some locals randomly barge into the house O_o

After showing them the way out of the door...

Romeo makes his way to the Majestic Ruins of Jumbok!

He tries to talk to Farah Moonbiscuit, though it doesn't hit off between them...

Jin-Ae Yin seems to be a better catch however.

After having lunch, Romeo makes a wish and flicks a coin in the Sacred Fountain of Jumbok..

Nothing of note happens. Guess Jumbok needs a bigger sacrifice.

Perhaps this local knows how to appease to Jumbok?


Now *that* got noticed by Jumbok for sure!

The local tries to bond with Romeo as the witness of his 'sacrifice'. Romeo was apparently too perplexed to all that just happened.

Time to visit the old shipwreck beach!

Where Romeo has the brilliant idea to tan after sunset!

5d chess is being played here.

After the futility of his behaviour has gone through his thick skull, Romeo decides to plunder the Captain's Cabin instead.

Yay Piracy Privacy Invasion!

After buying himself a nice necklace...

Romeo goes home to brush up his charms a bit more.

He follows these attempts up with a good night's rest.

A new day, new pancakes...

... and a call with the slob from Downtown.

After this he heads to the boardwalk!

There he reached his enlightened potential by sunbathing during the hours when the sun is actually out!

Afterwards he met Else Uppochner...

... Martina Wladowski...

... witnessed a fight between Else's husband and son...

And eventually decided that learning to do a firedance would make him a complete hottie.

A few...

Clumsy attempts...

Later and...

... Romeo has mastered his control over the firestick!


If only there were other people around to witness his arts.



And after the bed comes the meal again.

Romeo then makes a call with a Veronavillian maid he once met, and who may be a potential future conquest as well.

His conversation got interrupted however by a welcome wagon - wait Holiday spots have those?

Oh Aleka is here... and I hope it is the lei you're appreciating there Romeo O_o

The charms hit off and soon Aleka has fallen for Romeo.

And they KISS! 

After everyone had to leave, Romeo went to practise his charisma once again and actually got that skill point!

He decides to put his new skill point into action by calling Naomi over for a date.

A smooth rose works some miracles!

After that it doesn't take long until the hearts start floating!

Note: invest in curtains, they may be needed here.

Okay tiger, slow down there!

After recharging the energy...

... the smooch works out this time around!

Time to move things to the bedroom!


The date was a hot success!

The tree was just hot.

The next morning... we're leaving off for now. Next time we'll continue Romeo's adventures on Twikkii Island, and then go back and eagerly await the birth of the new Monty generation!

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...