Saturday, 8 June 2024

Round 5-12 (Ramaswami)

Ramaswami Family
Previously at the Ramaswami Family: After a financial setback, the Ramaswamis had to build up their savings from scratch - and with Priya expecting a baby money was needed more than ever. Will Priya and Sanjay keep up their careful trajectory forward?

First of all it's time to reveal the favourite colours of Sanjay, who likes Brown...

... Priya, who likes Purple...

... and Chandrika who likes Turquoise.

While Priya takes care of little Chandrika, Sanjay hits the books to try and build some mechanical skills.

Chandrika wanted to learn to talk!

Priya helped her get there.

Up next: bringing her to the potty.

After Sanjay got that coveted skill point...

... he decided that he wanted to make friends with local townie Jonathan.

He would have called, if it weren't for Jonathan not being home.

Time to have breakfast with Priya...

... before the latter is off to work.

After playing with Chandrika and feeding her a bottle...

... it was time for her afternoon nap.

This gave Sanjay the time to answer a call from Antonio...

... after which Jonathan was available to talk to.

Wowie, what a gift!

That compensates MAJORLY for when that burglar stole the TV last round.

Right after Priya made it back from work...

... Sanjay made friends with Jonathan!

It didn't take long for him to call up again.

Sorry Jonathan, I can't go downtown with you...

... my wife is going out for groceries... 

... so I need to watch the kid.

At the supermarket!

After filling up her grocery bags...

... Priya fulfills her want to meet someone new - behold: Samantha Monty!

After playing around a bit in the pet store...

... we return back home...

Sanjay has a quick play session before work...

... after which Priya takes over again taking care of Chandrika.

Leaving her daughter to play for herself for a bit, Priya decides to focus more on her big want to make 10 Best Friends. Calling Pamela seems to be her best bet to make one new friend there.

Sanjay meanwhile got an event at work.

This time he chose wisely - And got a jackpot!

While all that happened, Priya made friends with Chandrika.

After giving her a bottle, Priya decides to go sleep.

Luckily Sanjay's back home again to take care of Priya instead.

Just in time to help her set her first steps in the world in the most literal sense of the word.

Too bad that Sanjay's quite tired, so it's time to hit the hay sooner rather than later.

Unsurprisingly Priya got up first, with a want to befriend Samantha Monty!

It's also play time with Chandrika once more...

... which includes a reading-to, as well!

Sadly Samantha was still busy, so Priya hits the dance floor instead...

... followed by cooking lunch.

After which Samantha was FINALLY available to call.

Sanjay eventually got up as well and played a bit with Chandrika, making best friends with her.

Afterwards she was brought to the potty, while Priya built up a friendship with Samantha.

Time to throw a party!

But, everyone's formal!

While greeting the guests, we get the message of Priya's imminent birthday

And what better use for a party than to deal with those influence wants?

Oooh a back massage ^w^

Time to play around with the influence thing more...

... until Oberon gets everyone's attention by turning into a Werewolf.

Okay it's kind of concerning that Oberon is giving holiday advice to Pamela...

... and even more than Gary is giving Patric a Bigfoot hug?

Just as the party ended as a good time, Chandrika learned how to do potty.

Sanjay meanwhile decided he wanted to learn any skill - so why not go for the one he needs for a promotion?

With Priya needing a shower, a lot of spare change in the bank account and Chandrika about to grow up into a child, I decided the Ramaswamis needed a second bathroom with a shower.

While Priya tries it out, Sanjay teaches Chandrika to walk.

Mission accomplished - all toddler skills done!

Time to call it a night.

The next morning...

After brekkie...

... bills...

... hanging out with friends...

... and the toddler learning a Logic skill point...

... it's time to hit the Stratford Strip!

While in the background Quince Summerdream and Thomas Ottomas became best friends...

Priya sees Puck Summerdream there and makes a talk.

It doesn't take long for them to become friends.

Up next: hang out with Bianca Roseland, who also walked by.

While hanging out, Priya's reputation improved...

... also Nora Zuimelhof walked by.

She happens to not know Priya yet.

Time to change that up!

What's not helping however, is Cornwall and Bianca getting into a fight.

Cornwall came out victorious.

The random number gods were smiling upon Bianca though.

A very good thing considering her daughter Minola was there, too...

After chatting a bit more, the friendship is achieved...


Aiming... FIRE!

It's off to the lockup with you!

And Priya is going back home.

Time for a nap.

Which is followed by a bath, while Sanjay decided to play some guitar.

That triggered the hobby stalker to call up for those magazine spams.

At least Nora is Priya's new friend.

No Jonathan, Sanjay is busy.

Puck however - a bit of extra friendship cannot hurt right?

As the clock strikes 6 we can throw a nice birthday party!

The crowd arrives...

... the candles are blown...

... and Chandrika grows into a healthy child!

She's very happy to be a big girl now!

Time to do her hair like her mother's - also because she seems to take after her father in general.

Oberon celebrates the birthday by turning into a Werewolf again.

Chandrika meanwhile, noticed Minola Roseland walking by, whose parents were at the party. Time to meet some peers.

Minola immediately left again - so Minola instead tried to make friends with this random stray walkby.

Uh oh...

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

... apparently animals don't count as making a friend. Alas.

Also, with Chandrika in her school years now, her bedroom is in need of an update as well...

Guess what?


It's simple, yet stylish in turquoise! Hope she'll have some good nights in there.

Sanjay, who sadly had to work today, did come back with a promotion!

Time for him to have a deserved rest as well.

The next morning, Chandrika wanted to sell some lemonade at her new stand... Priya went out to support her daughter, but a walkby got there first.

Chandrika enjoys the support any way.

What Chandrika also needs is a new wardrobe...

Time to hit the Stratford Strip once more...

Priya picks out a couple outfits that look good on Chandrika...

... and Chandrika picks what she likes to wear the most for the day.

Time to go back home quickly...

... because it's time to get to school at once! You don't want to be late on your first day young lady.

After assigning Sanjay...

... and Priya new Aspiration Benefits...

... Priya tries to call Bianca - who sadly is at work.

Time to meet the mail carrier instead - right before hopping on the carpool.

With the others gone we can focus on Sanjay for now. That is...

... the thinking cap backfired. There goes a day of learning...

While Sanjay hits the hay once more, Priya has to take care of the food for the day.

Being of Indian ancestry I'd like to think she brought some Indian food... sadly her coworkers didn't like it :( 

Priya decided to call up Minola Roseland in an attempt to finally make a friend.

It finally succeeded.

After having some quality time with Priya, Sanjay can finally put on the Thinking Cap with no trouble...

... and work on his charisma skil-- no Jonathan, he is BUSY.

Priya would rather throw another party. Let her new friends mingle together once more.

Maybe some pizza is cool too.

Progress is made for Sanjay.

On the other side we have Bianca Roseland getting into another fight with Titania Summerdream, while Priya takes the pizza.

After Chandrika sells another glass of lemonade...

... she asks her father for some advice on how to tackle this thing called 'homework'.

Priya, who noticed Titania and Bianca's struggles, decides to influence the latter to patch some things up.

Titania was less willing to work along however.

After Chandrika finished her homework...

The police came in to break up the party... again.

Afterwards, Priya broke the bathtub...

... so she's lucky that Sanjay has some technical skills to fix it up.

A je to!

The next morning it is once again Fall at the Ramaswami house, which means we'll once again move on. Which means next time we'll catch up with the Zuimelhof family!

To be continued

1 comment:

  1. So cute!! I'd love to return to Veronaville and play the Summerdreams. I might just do that. :) I am putting you in my link list! (on my blogspot blog) Cheers! Sammy


Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...