Saturday, 22 June 2024

Round 5-13 (Zuimelhof)


Zuimelhof Family
Previously at the Zuimelhof family: Carla and Dave grew up into their elderly years, while Nora popped the question to Keith Cormier - and he said yes! How will wedding prepping go?

Before we get to that however, we have to tackle everyone's favourite colours: 

Carla likes Red
Dave prefers Purple
Nora enjoys Green, and
Dora is a fan of Orange

What Nora is enjoying less however, is her lack of a wedding dress...

... So while Carla and Dora work on their shared want to get fit...

... Nora walks over to the Veronaville Market...

... where she just happens...

... to find her good friend Juliette Capp at the clothing store.

Might as well have a friend tag along while going dress-hunting, right?

... wait. I *did* buy her a dress already? Oops.

Oh well, might as well put it on...

With the clothing part done, it's time for a... 


All dressed up for her wedding day!

Nora is happy with her look while Juliette looks with approval.

Afterwards Nora grilled them some burgers, which they sadly had to eat in the sloppy rain... luckily Nora had the foresight to get out of her fancy dress

Luckily for Juliette a witch popping up had different plans...

After cheering to their upcoming weddings in the magical glow of the sun...

... Juliette noticed Carla Monty, Mercutio's wife...

Nora decided to end the outing to head home, believing Puck to be a good distraction for her.

Nora thought wrong.

Juliette got her ass kicked back to her however, and she's lucky that Antonio didn't use lethal force. (I rolled an 83 iirc)

Back home, just as Hal Capp was sneaking in to steal a newspaper...

... Nora hung out with Dave.

He's a little fuzzy about Nora's appearance on the wedding day.

In the backyard the athletic efforts seem to pay off.

Dora even got rid of her growing tummy again!

After having lunch...

... and a call from a townie...

Nora gathers her family...

... to go to the Church for...

... a fight between Bianca and Titania?

At least nobody got heard for this time... though I do feel like those two will hate each other forever.

After shooing out the clowns and using the simblender to get the actual guests in...

... it is time for the ceremony to begin...

You are now pronounced wife and husband. 

You may now kiss!


Wait, Mallory! That doesn't include you and Bottom! Miranda is right there!

Anyways, we got cake!

And awoo!

After the guests enjoy the cake...

... it is time to toast to the newlyweds!

After one more kiss...

... it is time to head on home!

... I just realised I could've used the car. Oh well.

Dave may be old now, but his old clothes do look good on Keith for now!

Keith took on the cooking book while Nora had some espresso to prepare...

Prepare for wha-- dangit Mercutio, we need the phone for something else!

Honeymoon time!

Let's go to lovely Takemizu Village, the only place we haven't been yet for a honeymoon.

One suitcase packing...

... and long flight later...

... we find out newlyweds at the holiday villa park.

It's strange that there's only one honeymoon villa there though. Huh.

After Nora checks in...

... she and Keith kick off their honeymoon with a tea ceremony.

This got followed up with a helicopter tour to the bamboo forest!

Oof.. time to hide quickly!

That.. went surprisingly well... luckily Nora and Keith got out their fine.

The same cannot be said about Farah Moonbiscuit.

Time to explore the village!

After a nice dance together...

... Nora tries to find her inner peace at the zen garden.

Luckily the charlatan targeted the tour guide...

... because that leaves more money to buy all the souvenirs!

Although the two over there beginning a pillow fight is plenty of reason...

... to visit a more zen area.

Although, zen... A ninja? 

Oooh I remember this.. this is pure 50/50 luck :o


The Ninja whispers the secret of teleportation to Nora...

... and she promises to keep the secret to herself.

She immediately puts her new knowledge to practise...

... by poofing straight to the food stand Keith had dinner at.

Time for a delicious treat!

They end the day again with tea...

... before returning to their villa...

... and getting cozy in the bedroom!

The next morning.

Why not visit the shrine park?

Oooh another Ninja!

This time it's Keith who got the quiz...

He passes it, too!

After promising to not tell anyone...

He teleports to Nora!

He joins her at the breakfast bar.

They then follow their morning up playing mahjong with a couple locals.

Keith makes a wish at the local shrine.

Afterwards he and Nora cuddle up on the bench to enjoy the place.


The couple eventually breaks their cuddle session off and goes to the local food store.

Time to try the famed rice soup.

Nora also got greeted with a bow by the local she played mahjong with earlier.

Then it's time to return to the villas once more...

While Nora soaks in the hot spring in the back...

Keith gives the room service a try.

Afterwards he joins Nora in the springs...

... before calling it a night.

The next morning Nora checks out of the hotel - time to save up sleeping costs!

... it is only a shame that none of the community lots can be traveled to without being signed in at a hotel...

Although, this hotel may have some solid facilities to stay at.

A massage table, for example.

Or a tour guide to chat with.

Right after Nora was taught the acupressure massage...

... it was time for Keith to learn it.

Nora meanwhile got to digging a hole.

She even found an old map.... for a hidden nook on Twikkii Island. Oh well.

Once Keith was also taught the massage, he and Nora hit the sauna... where things got REALLY heated...

...... afterwards it was time for another tour.

Time to enter the bus and go visit the ancient temples.

Wealth or Nature.. I feel that both Nora and Keith, as family Sims, would pick nature.

And well, it paid off.

Time to celebrate underneath the roofing...

... before switching locations once more.

The only thing that REALLY is missing at that hotel is a spot to eat, so hopefully the luxurious hotel has a solution for that.

A restaurant! Nice. Time to teleport to the host...

... and soon enough Keith and Nora have a Succulent Chinese(?) Meal in front of them.

"Ooh you should have a bite of mine! I hope I can cook this one day as well!"

"I'm sure you will, your cooking is amazing already."

The newlyweds were really hungry - so they ordered a second round!

After finishing that course too...

... the two had a dance at the hotel plaza.

Then it was time to end the holiday and go back home.

Home sweet home.

After Nora and Keith pick matching Vacation Benefits, it's time to end the post for now. What will the rest of Summer be like for the Zuimelhofs? We'll see that next post!

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...