Saturday, 25 May 2024

Round 5-11 (Ottomas)

David Ottomas
After graduating college and with his parental house sold, David had little choice but to move out on his own into an apartment. At least he's living fairly close to his mother and siblings, which is a plus... but will he be able to one day rebuy the old Ottomas house?

Because David still has a decent stash of Simoleons and I'm not fully happy with the Monty side flophouse yet, David will be back once more to the well-known apartment building at Stratford Street.

Because Curtis and Victor have moved into one of the apartments already, David has to choose between either Bianca Monty's old apartment or Cyd Roseland's old apartment.

And Bianca's it is! 

With the move-in comes a nice set of furniture... It's kept simple, though the kitchen has been rearranged to give more walking room.

David still has wants to max out his creativity AND paint a master piece.

Time to work some painting magic, using an old Sims 2 on console poster. (Yes, I played that game with a friend I caught up with in Australia)

Also those paintings can make some good money, which we REALLY need.

Though to be honest the most reliable way to get an income is through a job - and David wouldn't mind a job at the Monty Restaurant... if they only had job openings however...

After taking care of some needs, the calling hour was upon David - and he made best friends with his former college professor...

... caught up with his mother...

... aaand caught up with Chris...

... aha, there the Downtown invitation is!

You know what..

A Taxicab cannot hurt right?

David was originally going to have some spaghetti at home, but going to a diner with friends is a bit more cozzy, innit? 

Out of the clown car...

... and to the tables! Look at the gang here!

Chef's choice for everyone always gives... interesting results.

Hmm David himself doesn't know Mallory that well, but I do know that she is close with Miranda, Chris and Curtis...

Mallory accepted. But then two strays did the unaccepted.

Further proof that chihuahuas shouldn't be messed with.

To overcome that show of violence, the group goes off however and does the Smustle!

The other restaurant guests join in as well!

After getting a bit tired of dancing, David decided to hang out a bit with Miranda...

... and also had a dance with Chris.

After some more time hanging out...

David had to call it a night. The group had a great time - Downtown was worth it!

Orrr... what does Tybalt want from David?

Not much apparently, as the Taxi swooped in and got David out of there.

Back at home David got hungry again - so it's time to try out the kitchen anyways.

Yum to the spaghett.

Plus a snack to fill in the holes in his stomach.

After that it's time for David's first night in the new apartment!

The next morning David went to the easel again.

The landlord starts bullying Curtis again - but David was too much into the zone to notice.

Time to sell this thing to make up for the dinner costs.

Maybe Curtis can be convinced to do some chores around the place as well - David for some reason got into a bossy mood, which is reflected by his wants.

Then it was once more time to deal with phone calls. David received a PC from a rando he met at the meeting downtown...

... and also caught up with his college mate Nathan Langerak.

After having dinner...

... David walked down the street to Stratford Strip...

... and made best friends with Keith Cormier, putting his count to 10 total!

To celebrate this milestone, David went clothes shopping!

David updated his outfit accordingly.

While catching up near the pinball machines, David noticed some bullying going on.

Time to shoo out the aggressor...

... so that David can catch up with his best mate Mercutio.

Mercutio however, realised that David was in severe need of a bath, so he excused himself out.

Home sweat home.

After a bath, David tried to cook some mac n cheese... maybe spaghetti is more of his thing though.

Time to clean the place up a bit before calling it a night.

After some breakfast cereal...

It was time to hog the easel once more.

This time David got his 10th creativity skill point - Well done David!

The results pay off - literally!

To celebrate this feat David throws a party!

The whole gang is here...

... and the whole gang wants pizza!

The whole gang also decided to just get the party started in front of the apartment, instead of, you know, inside of it.

Poor pizza deliverer has no clue where to go.

She somehow teleported OUTSIDE again???

And then teleported back UP again???

"Guys, we got pizza!"

I feel the use of moveobjects on is justified here.

David took the time to catch up with his sister Sharla, who may be off to college next round.

He also was in the mood for a prank - that's what college buds ultimately are for, aren't they?

Because David still has the want to make 30 best friends, I figured that any focused socialising is fair game.

Sadly his sister Charlotte wasn't in the mood for some fun.

At least Jihoon was in a better mood.

Curtis Ryan serenaded Victor, so David did the same thing to Chris <3

Sadly there wasn't time to do anything else, for the party was over.

I did notice this moment between Keith and Jihoon - was this just a friendly gesture gone awry or was this a flirt?

Time to call Brandon Young, the rando from Downtown who gifted David that PC, and see if they can make friends...

While David is still on the phone, I realised I didn't give him his colour token yet, so here he goes.

It may be the amiable late summer heat doing it's thing - the friendship has been established!

After that eventful day it's time to go to sleep again...

And then wake up at the start of Autumn. Time to say our goodbyes to David for now and return here next season, where we hopefully see him take Chris on a date. Will he end up putting a ring on her finger?

Before that we'll have a look at the next family in the rotation - which is the Ramaswami family!

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...