Saturday, 11 May 2024

Round 5-10 (Platz-Capp)

Platz-Capp Family
After Amy and Tybalt married, they decided to move out of the manor to find their own place to stay. Can Amy balance her secret friendships with the Monty brothers, or is she playing with a feisty fire right under Tybalt's nose?

Before we can get to all that however, we need to get to the bureaucratic stuff first.

Such as picking an apartment to reside in!

Because the newlyweds are saving up for a bigger place, going small will do for now.

After the contract is signed, it is time for a...

(say it with me)


... yeah it ain't much but for now it'll work, I think.

... I have to admit that in hindsight I really should've removed the kitchen wall to make some more space. Maybe once all the newlyweds have moved out of this apartment - Kent's apartment could use some updates too.

... Another thing to get up and running: job hunting! Amy and Tybalt both are fine with politics or journalism, with Tybalt even considering a job in the Law.

Guess what, Law's available for Tybalt.

But so is Politics!

That's settled for both of them then!

At this point I realised that I didn't set the season, day and time correct yet so once we got all that fixed, it's time to finish off the prepping I did right after the Capp round was finished...


... and now we are back at the household after playing all the way through Miranda's round...

... it's time to finally book that honeymoon the newlyweds have been dreaming about...

What about sunny Twikkii Island? :D

The shuttle arrives...

... and the newlyweds find themselves in a sunny tropical paradise!

After picking the rooms...

... and signing in, it's time to start exploring the island!

Amy immediately starts off by getting a massage - and even picking up some tricks along the way as well!

Time to go on a Glass Boat Tour!

After paying the fees it's off to an adventure!

They found a map!

Besides that the tour went fine.

This time Tybalt went for a massage...

... and picked up a thing or two.

He and Amy celebrated their honeymoon so far by dancing together near the bushes.

The chemistry builds up more and more between them...

... so of course things go to the bedroom.

After some personal TLC...

... the lovebirds go to their first night together.

--- damn who the heck would phone a random hotel room??

Poor Tybalt has to crawl out of bed to deal with it - prank callers are CRAZY.

Might as well call in the room service for food and tips.

After gorging down a group meal of toaster pastries...

... Tybalt and Amy go out and visit the boardwalk across the road.

... why did Tybalt go in his PJs?

Also who put the jewellery stand backwards?

At least Tybalt...

... and Amy can reach the souvenir stand together.

After their shopping trip, it's time to dive in the sea waves...

... and build a sand castle. Nice attempt!

While Amy tries to get a suntan, Tybalt bashes apart the rivalling, more developed sand castle so that Amy's would be the prettiest around.

After that he goes and cheers on the fire dancer.

Time to visit the market square to see what's for sale there? Maybe correctly-placed jewellery stands?

... turns out it's just toilets and groceries - and Farah Moonbiscuit who is still singed after a lightning incident at Three Lakes... which was a season ago lol. 

While getting away from her burned body odour...

... Amy and Tybalt reach a solid jewellery stand!

Time to buy some good stuff!

After having pineapple salads together...

Tybalt and Amy see this large pirate ship together...

Time to explore it!




Dat plunderin' booty be piling up me mateys!

While Tybalt explores the plank...

Amy meets something in the captain's hut!

It's a GHOST!

And it knows a PIRATE SONG!

Yoohoo yoohoo a Pirate's Life for Me!

Amy is a quick student and learns the song in no time!

Having been through enough pirate adventures for the night...

... the lovebirds go back to their hotel...

A new morning begins...

... and what better way to start it off again...

... than with some room service?

They're so full of toaster pastries, yum!

After brekkie it is time to indulge in the history of Twikkii Island.

So of course the local American tourist kids desecrate it by going in the hot springs NAKED?!?! I am actually disturbed by this O_o 

While Amy flips a coin to make a wish in the ancient fountain...

... Tybalt prefers to flip in a box of soap (how did he take it with him on the plane even?)

The ancient gods of the Llama People were not happy with this gesture.

After hitting the hot springs for themselves...

Amy and Tybalt go to visit the beach once more.

After enjoying the firedancer's show once more...

Tybalt and Amy go on another tour together!

The locals were less than impressed by the helicopter pickup.

A chance card appears!

Tybalt doesn't want to let the bee out in peace - yet somehow it pays off. Let's hope he won't get humanity sues by this...

After boarding off the helicopter...

... Tybalt asks Amy on a date-date.

Upon getting the date on the road, they return to the pirate ship beach once more!

There's a wall speaker at this beach so maaaaybe we can find some people trying the hula here.

Saaadly nobody showed up here...

... but hey, at least Amy and Tybalt had a good romance here.

After digging through the sand together for some valuables...

Tybalt and Amy returned to the hotel to sign out...

... and then spent the night together sweating it up in the sauna...

... and then washing it off in the hot tub.

When the sun rose again they were joined by other hotel guests.

Right before the shuttle back home arrived, Amy put on a necklace she found in the sand.

But then it's time to go back home...

... to their new apartment in Veronaville!

After selecting...

... vacation benefits...

... it's time to officially get settled at home again.

I bet Tybalt was thinking his spaghetti would be better than the Monty's - always competitive, that man.

Time to go to sleep...

... and then call for the final day of this round!

While Tybalt is off to his first day of work...

Amy uses his time away from home to call over a friend of hers...

Hopefully the other people in the hallway won't notice things...

... ESPECIALLY when Romeo is the one to make a move on Amy! And she reciprocates!

Amy invites Romeo in to be discree. Arianna the neighbour maid takes this invitation as well...

While Arianna goes and has a shower, Romeo makes another move on Amy and falls in love with her.

... This is literally the Mary Sue chance card. Is Amy in trouble?

Luckily not. Close call though.

Yet she seems to be pushing her luck here today...

*mutes the game sound, waits until the baby music window is over, then unmutes*

Let's keep myself out of the loop as well.

While Amy is quick to get Romeo to leave, the phone rings... 

No we don't want a magazine subscription!

Amy finished cleaning up Romeo's traces and making lunch juuust in time for when Tybalt got home with a promotion! 

While eating the late lunch Tybalt brings up the holiday memories.

After that he asks Amy for a date event once again, just like on the final night on Twikkii Island.

Now if only those subscription folks would stop calling in...

After bringing up some more holiday memories...

The phone rang, this time it's Romeo for Amy! 

Worst. Timing. Ever.

Despite all those interruptions, Amy and Tybalt end up in the bedroom once more, doing the woohooty-tooty! 

But will she be pregnant and fulfill that baby want?

The date is over - and Amy rolled a want for a skill point! Nice - she needs logic!

While Tybalt calls up some people he met on Twikkii Island...

... Amy looks up to the stars.


Amy also felt like calling up a fellow tourist.

It takes a bit of taking but eventually both Tybalt...

... and Amy have a new friend in their circles!

Despite it being late already, neither were tired yet - and Amy wanted to gain another skill point!

After practising her charisma she joined Tybalt in bed...

... which sets the scene for the end of the round - we'll have to wait until the next season to find out if Amy is indeed pregnant - and if so, whether the baby is Romeo's or Tybalt's?

Before we reach that bit of potential drama we'll be catching up with David Ottomas - who is out on his own as well now that he has graduated college and returned to Veronaville.

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...