Sunday, 10 September 2023

Round 4 Uni - 1 (Hermia Capp)


Hermia Capp
On day 1 at Capp Manor, Hermia Capp moved out to attend the Verona University League. She was originally supposed to join Puck and Juliette at the previous round, but dying put a bit of a delay on those plans. But here she is, at the same dorm her brother Tybalt once resided at!

After claiming her room... 

... Hermia wanted to play with someone, so she called over Puck Summerdream.

He arrived together with Amy bringing in a late date gift to Tybalt.

Hermia's socialising spree with Puck got interrupted by aunt Goneril calling - bad timing, auntie Goneril.

Back to Puck - all the wants rolling stayed within friendly territory...

So after training her body skill for a bit, it was time for her first class.

After meeting her professor, Hermia got back at jumping rope.

Soon enough she got that body skill point.

After which all her wants only revolved around buying gardening stuff.

Feeling turned off by seeing one of her dormmates, Hermia decides to go out for a bitto.

Time to go to the local H&M...

... and buy herself some new clothes!

Much better!

Next stop: the Lounge...

After spotting Romeo Monty going to the dance floor...

Hermia hits the local bowling alley - but she is doing not too well--

-- oh wait, 9 out of 10. Good.

After hanging out, meeting some new folks, Hermia goes back home.

She finishes an assignment before getting ready for bed.

Dangit Bottom!

The next morning, Hermia rolled wants to go on a date...

Of course our target is Puck!

And because Hermia rolled a want to fall in love with Puck, any romance is fair game.

This includes slow dancing, dip kisses...

... Hand kisses, disgusted mail carriers...

A shame that Puck seems to roll wants to initiate actions to Hermia - which doesn't help the date score.

The two had pancakes together, which for Hermia was another opportunity to blow kisses to Puck.

... despite ALL the flirting going on, the two still didn't fall in love. With class approaching, Hermia had to end the date right there...

Upon returning from class, Hermia spots Puck bringing a date flower.

Her wants rerolled - and her best one would be to befriend her professor.

One call later...

... and Hermia wants to earn a skill point! By going for mechanical she extended her grade bar to the max.

Hermia gets another call from Bottom Summerdream before going to sleep again...

... and Hermia needs that sleep, as they planned her exams in the middle of the night!

At least that didn't deter her from making the Dean's List.

And by cleaning up the bathroom, Hermia got all the skills needed to be capable of the Dean's List next semester as well.

At this point the romance with Puck seems to have lost it's spark, as despite all the romantic gestures the two don't roll hearts for each other... And out of everyone Hermia has met at college, Randy may be the best bet for a date.

The two call - and then get interrupted by the dorm cook setting the kitchen on fire!

After having another shower, Hermia calls for a taxi. 

One trip to the Arthaus later...

And Hermia meets Randy in person again.

The two get to know each other a bit better for a bit...

And soon enough Hermia feels ready to ask Randy on a date.

Despite rolling the want to fall in love with Puck, Hermia also rolls wants to romance Randy... and it doesn't take long until they DO get crushes on each other!

It also doesn't take long for Puck Summerdream to show up nearby.

To make things even more crazy, Romeo Monty shows up as well!

At least Randy still has wants to be with Hermia - and Hermia wants to make best friends with him.

Then Romeo buts in... but only to plant a big kiss on a local dormie. Romance Sims, amirite?

Sadly class kicked in, forcing the date to reach its end.

After class Hermia called a taxi to go home.

Back at the dorms...

Hermia got a call from Titania... 

Followed by studying for a second mechanical skill point, right before going to class again. Time to have a small break right?

Well, Serdar thought differently.

And so did Melissa and the cow mascot.

Chef Bertha managed to fight the evil cow off however.

Though with no fatal consequences.

Once back, Hermia got a call from another college professor who apparently is friend with Puck! Sadly there's no downtown here.

When stepping back inside, Hermia witnesses another fight - this time Serdar manages to fight off the cow mascot!

Another roll with no results.

This dorm is something - Melissa fainted again!

Meanwhile Hermia had a call with Maura, who she wants to befriend...

- and she got it! Time to go to bed.

Serdar also went to bed - on the back porch.

In the middle of the night Randy also showed up with a gift for Hermia.

The cow mascot didn't quite figure out where the showers are.

The next morning Hermia took a shower...

... but then decided to jump rope first for a body skill.

Serdar DID try the wrong shower as well.

But by then Hermia already got her needed skill point and went for breakfast.

Followed by going out again to her home town.

The people on location are.. quite the interesting bunch. Capps indoors, Montys outdoors and Peter and Demi in the same room, too.

Tybalt is also there - and he's happy to see his little sister.

Hermia has a want to go on a date though - and because she has a crush on Randy he's the to-go person now.

He isn't even on location yet and things escalate already!

When Randy arrived Peter just kicked Demi's butt.

The Roll.

Hermia wants to focus on Randy however as she gives him an attack of the tickle monster.

"Hey, not in front of my TV show!"

When Hermia makes the more serious moves on Randy, Tybalt is the first to notice...

Poor Tybalt.

"I'm my own big girl now, Tybs."

I love Sims 2 expressions.

While Hermia and Randy get physical...

... Bianca Roseland and Goneril Capp also get physical.

Bianca won, and that's about it.

The two become best friends - yet Hermia still has a want to fall in love with Puck.

While Hermia and Randy have a makeout session, Peter has a robbing session with the Charlatan.

And then Randy whispers three words in Hermia's ear: "I love you."

Meanwhile Antonio and Goneril do not love each other.

But because Antonio has no body skill, Goneril gets to live for now.

As the date comes to an end, Hermia whispers those same words back at Randy.

Time to go back to the dorms.

Where everyone is busy complaining about each others' boy odours and fainting.

After working on her charisma, Hermia got a call from Puck.

That got followed by a call to her professor, who she wants to make best friends with...

Followed with ANOTHER call from the professor she knows through Puck.

While Hermia is getting ready to go to class, the cheerleader attacks the evil mascot.

Phoebe is strong, but didn't go overboard.

When returning from class the dormies were still messing around and Randy called.

Not for too long, however, as the Secret Society limo arrived... But because the exams are approaching I had to take a few measures to make Hermia unreachable.

With that being taken care of, Hermia is off...

... and makes perfect grades once more! Time to go to bed...

and after a good sleep it's Summer time - time to move on to the next household! 

Which will be a little surprise.. but you may have figured out what if you paid attention... 

To be continued

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