Saturday, 23 September 2023

Round 4 Uni - 2 (Townies)

First Keith Cormier grew up with Nora. Then Chris Cho went to college. Then Mallory Mace grew up with Miranda. Amar Larrea will either grow up, or go to college with Beatrice Monty. 

This leaves 4 teenage townies with no ties to any current teens. To keep them in line with their peers I'll play them lightly as a college household, by the time they leave college they'll be added back to the townie pool.

Let's temporarily meet up with...

Jihoon LeTourneau - Knowledge, Virgo, wants to max out all of his skills.

Kendra McCarthy - Also a Knowledge Virgo, but wants to become a top Oceanographist.
Her biggest claim to fame: going on a date with Romeo Monty.

Nancy Philippino - Family, Cancer, wants to reach the top in Law Enforcement.

Ralph Enriquez - Fortune, Scorpio, wants to top the Architectural path.

After picking their door rooms...

Kendra chooses to major in Biology as an aspiring oceanograph...

... Ralph opts to go with a major in Mathematics as a wannabe Architect...

... and Nancy chooses to go with Biology, which suits her want to enter the police force.

These majors fit with those careers as indicated by Cyjon's revised majors mod.

Jihoon immediately finishes a term paper while Ralph helps out in the dorm kitchen, Kendra jumps rope and Nancy practises her painting.

Finishing his paper inspired Jihoon to join Ralph in the Mathematics major.

Ralph working in the cafeteria leaves the infamous Chef Bertha to roam around freely, and soon enough she got into a fight already.

Brandon Miguel manages to fight the vile dorm cook off however.

He did, however, not put in enough force to end her reign of kitchen terror for good.

I'm sorry Ryan but Jihoon is at class right now.

Soon enough the others join him there as well.

Ralph and Jihoon are back first.

Once Nancy and Kendra are back too...

... it is time to hang out at the Union building.

The quartet arrives.

First things first: buy everyone a cellphone.

After that I allow them to roam around the place freely for a bit. Luckily none of them noticed Hermia fumbling up her billiards trickshots.

Kendra did Hermia walk off to the bathrooms however, right as the latter realised she was into science.

Time to retreat to the dorms...

... where Jihoon rolls the want to make Dean's List! Time to hit the telescope!

Jihoon gains a needed logic skill point for that, followed by a cleaning skill point from cleaning the bathroom.

Nancy meanwhile finished her painting and can make a pretty good buck out of it.

The next morning Kendra got up early - and this time it's her turn to hog the telescope.

Who got up too early - if he went to bed at all - is Brandon, who now has to pay the price. And dang is he blocking the stairs?

Jihoon gained some more cleaning experience while Nancy hit the easel, Ralph hit the telescope and Kendra hit the papers.

When the guys leave for class, Kendra takes over the telescope once more - only to get shoved by Juliette Capp who does not like prying eyes... (I should check my mod folder again, it's ALWAYS Juliette doing the shoving)

The incident didn't deter Kendra from peeking once more - and she gained a skill point from it just before class!

While Jihoon and Ralph play a game of catch post-class...

... Brandon Miguel faints once more...

Late in the evening the dormies get the announcement that they'll have their exams in the middle of the night (what is it with late night exams at this college?)

Everyone rushes to bed to get a bit of extra sleep - Or the couch, for those whose bed access has been blocked off by that punk Brandon Miguel sleeping on the floor.

Inconveniences aside, everyone passes their freshman year - with Jihoon fulfilling his dream to make Dean's List!

A new year starts with tired cafeteria shenenigans...

... and local fellow dormie Randy LeTourneau appreciating the sight of his girlfriend jogging by. Hermia was probably slightly less enthused by Randy only wearing his undies outside.

Brandon faints again...

Juliette shoves again...

Nancy sells again...

... and gains a creativity skill point as well! She's close to mastering her skill now!

That'll have to wait for another time however - as it's time to go to class for her and Kendra.

Jihoon leaves his cafeteria table as Brandon wakes up from his lunchfaced nap - wasn't it Ralph sitting in front of him earlier?
Nope Brandon, he's too busy getting shoved by Juliette.

Kendra and Nancy are back from class, and it's now time for the guys to go to class instead.

Kendra tries to do some exercises - but another dormie keeps turning off the tv! Get out!

Said dormie doesn't take the cue and turns Kendra's fitness show off again.

Kendra is not happy and not afraid to tell him that.

Said dormie does the most logical thing to do and faints right in front of the tv.

Kendra grabs a glass of water to *ahem* wake him up with. The dormie is not happy, yet blames the glass for all this. 

"I'm sorry Beatrice, but Kendra is too busy having an argument with the local dorm idiot."

Jihoon finishes another paper, right after Nancy finishes a painting - all just in time for bed.

A good night's sleep later...

... and everyone gets up well rested...

... and ready for a trip to the Meeting Square!

The gang arrives, and... 

... while they're enjoying a good lunch, Kendra notices Romeo Monty. She remembers her date with him some time ago... will he notice her again?

Nah. He's getting physical with Chandler Creelman instead.

Romeo gained the upper hand.

No resemblance to the real play of Romeo and Juliet however, as Romeo got off scot-free.

In the aftermath Romeo got himself another admirer, too!

Chandler wasn't much of a pushover though and went to get even.

No deaths occurred - but if you look closely you can spot a Formula 1 driver.

Romeo managed to start a chat with another guy as our own group of dormies heads back...

... to their own dorms.

Having had bad experiences with TV training, Kendra decided to go for radio workouts instead to get fit.

Before getting there, it was time to go and attend class once more this round.

Ralph answered the phone - and this time it was actually for him!

The girls come back from class as it's time for the boys to go there instead.

And once they got back as well...

... it was time to prepare for another final exam in the night-time!

Nancy finished another painting while Kendra worked out and Jihoon peeked through the telescope once more.

Once more the group gathers with passing grades in their pockets - though the next year may promise to be a rough crawl for some of the dormies. That'll be seen another time however as Summer has started and we must end this post here for now.

Next time we'll see how the older college students fare through their junior and, hopefully, senior years - starting with Puck Summerdream and Juliette 'neighbour shover' Capp, a role that she may have inherited from her grandfather Consort when he died? Is his will lying around anywhere?

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...