Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Round 4-11 (Zuimelhof)

Zuimelhof Family
Previously at the Zuimelhof family: A lot of life changes happened for the family members! Dave adopted Aurora Zuimelhof into the family, then Dora grew up into a teenager, followed by Nora opting not to go to college and growing up into an adult instead. The daughters also made some romantic choices - with Nora deciding to go for Keith Cormier and Dora having a romance with Bottom Summerdream.

It's springtime at the Zuimelhof house - which goes well with the romance blossoming for Nora and Dora.

After waking up Nora prefers to first focus on her food blogging instead.

While Carla wakes up late with a carpool notification, she gains an inheritance from the late Consort Capp.

Nora made some pancakes - but only Dave still has the time to eat some...

... and even he has to leave for his work in a bitto.

Meaning that we only have Nora to focus on as she tries to reach--- oh hey there Carla.

... Whoops. Oh well, it's only a few hundred simoleons.

Bottom, being a teen, got back home at 1pm already - which means she can try out the telescope to gain a logic skill point!

Nora meanwhile reached a milestone - she reached top enthusiasm for Cuisine!

The achievement of course comes with a plaque... and Nora suddenly gained an interest in a local stray cat.

Might as well play around with him, just as Dave and Carla got back from work.

Dora felt like inviting her classmates over for a teen party.

She got it - after which the phone got clogged up by a call from Antonio Monty.

Dora starts the party off with a pillow fight - while some of the guests have a rather awkward time in the hallway instead.

As the party moves on, Carla gets her aging notifications.

Followed by Dave walking back indoors after a walk - and immediately stumbling upon Hal beating Benedick.

Due to Hal's physical weakness no other results happened though.

Nora, who already had mixed feelings on Hal, has had enough and told him off.

Hal didn't take it well and actually poked Nora on her chest.

Inside the house the people were having more fun - resulting in the party being considered a success!

Time to send everyone off to a well-deserved sleep!

The person not so deserving of sleep was Hal Capp, who still didn't get over Nora and kicked the trash can in retaliation. The incel vibes here are strong.

Time to return to the more important folks here - Nora got up to do the cooking a bit earlier, as the rest of the house gets ready for work and school.

Dave happens to see his friend Peter Capp walk by just as he was about to go for a hike - he has to say hi and have a chat.

Dora meanwhile earns her first mechanical point - just in time before she has to run to school.

With Peter leaving as well, Nora soon has the house to herself again - time she uses to tackle a few chores.

When Dora returns from school...

... she watches a movie as Nora earns a cooking skill point.

While Dora gets plagued by subscription scams, Nora notices Keith walking by and goes to make a move.

Not much socialising happened between the two of them as Cornwall Capp decided it was a good time to call Nora.

Nora then rolled a want to hire an exterminator.. I blame Hal for that.

After getting aging notifications for Carla and Dave...

Carla earned a body skill point - after which she went to the phone to arrange a party...

... and in no-time the Zuimelhof house was bustling with guests again.


Small explanation why this post is a bit late - I was at my new apartment, which didn't have a wifi connection at the time.

Time for CAKE!

Carla ages up into an elder! With a bold choice of wear...

Carla feels confident in her undies however - though that might also be her full aspiration bar.

Another fight happens - this time Bianca comes out on top though. 

But eh.

Nora and Dora meanwhile are happy with their new car.

After Nora got back from installing an alarm, the party ended as a success and it was time for the house to go sleep.

Dave couldn't resist getting up to catch a few fireflies however.

The next morning Nora begins her morning routine of food blogging...

... and then cooking breakfast for the famil-- oh whoops.

Which means Dora has to go off to school without any food.

Meanwhile Sharla Ottomas apparently didn't go to school at all.

With the rest being away from home, Nora has the full opportunity to take the car...

... and go on a trip to the Veronaville Market...

... to buy some groceries...

... and also buy some new clothes for Carla as a birthday gift for her mother!

A cuisine enjoyer of course needs a full fridge, Nora is a happy Sim once more.

... Though having someone to have a slow dance with cannot hurt either. Cue in Keith!

... Cue in the red hearts!

... Cue in the exact same chance card Carla had last time.

......... cue in the other option also having a bad outcome. Well, maybe the lowered nature enthusiasm may prevent this card from popping up next.

While the bus driver honked at Nora and Keith to get out of the way after delivering Dora...

... Nora baked up a plan.

First she made Keith a delicious pie.

He's enjoying it. Good.

Time to get Dave, Carla and Dora out of this place for a bit, I need my focus on Nora.

Juuuust the right spot...

And then Nora kneels for Keith with a delicious question.

He said yes!

With that out of the way it's time to focus on the rest of the family - such as Dave's upcoming birthday!

And Carla's new outfit!

And Dora who wants to go out with Bottom!

I'd reckon it's weird to go out on her father's birthday, but if he's the one who gave her permission to go out to begin with it's alright I'd reckon.

While Dora crawls in the limo, the few party guests gather in the kitchen...

Dave blows out the candles and then...


Huh. Why would you ask for Carla instead of Dora? 

Welp - she's not even inside yet and already asking Quince Summerdream over to sneak out.

While Dora sips a triple espresso for the long night ahead of her, the party ends on a very good note.

And while her exhausted parents and sister go to bed, Dora goes out once more.

She's bloody exhausted and in need of some tlc.. but worth it.

At least it's Saturday - no need to get up early for anyone.

While Dora is still catching Z's, the rest enjoys some simple cereal for breakfast.

Nora decided to do something simple for the cooking because she has bigger plans on her mind.

At the Veronaville market...

... she returns to the clothing store...

... to buy herself a wedding dress!

After making her purchase...

... she buys some jewelry as well! Keith might like the look of it.

Speaking of Keith...

Make love, not war! At least Benedick seems to not mind Nora moving on.

In fact, he seems happy enough for Nora that he gained the confidence and strength needed to keep Hal Capp off of him.

I checked up his body skill later on annnnd... he has none. So rolling would have no use anyways.

Back home - and showing off the new family picture!

Nora decided to read about Fire Safety while Carla took an interest in the cooking channel.

Dora, who finally got up after sleeping in for the night, decided to have some play time with the cats...

... while Dave *somehow* managed to peek all the way to the Verona University League and Juliette *somehow* noticed him doing so, and then *somehow* ran all the way back to Veronaville to tell him not to do so.

At least Dora is being a bit more productive practising her social impression in front of the mirror.

While Carla gains another body skill point - but Dave bumbled his way through poison ivy again.

Nora, learning everything about Fire Safety, feels a bit more secure to try out the pork chops.

While the rest of the family feasts, Carla decides to exercise instead.

Though to be honest, Dora is now in need of some training - she gained some weight, just when Nora's wedding is coming up!

After taking a call from another magazine subscription scammer...

... Dora goes back to the mirror to practise her charisma, while Nora goes and starts on a novel!

Soon enough their skills grow...

... and while Dora and her parents hit the hay soon enough, Nora keeps working on her novel until she earns that second point.

The next morning... because it's still spring we have to play on and on until it hits---

Summer. Ah, nevermind, let's end it here on the cliffhanger of Nora's upcoming wedding.

The next time however we'll take a look at a new household!

We'll be playing Curtis Ryan and Victor Lillard next before we'll hit the university! How will their relationship develop now that they moved in together?

Before we end things it's time to show a blooper!

Nora tried out a new driving technique testing out the new car.

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...