Saturday, 26 August 2023

Round 4-12 (Ryan-Lillard)

Ryan-Lillard Family
After gaining a crush on each other while playing at the Zuimelhof Family back in round 3, it was decided through a poll that townies Curtis Ryan and Victor Lillard would move in together at Curtis' apartment at the Stratford Strip.

Upon moving in, the first thing the two did together was a romantic gesture together <3

Followed by Curtis updating his roommate's information to the landlord.

And with a new roommate the house needs to get accommodated for so that everyone can live there nicely...

So are you thinking what I'm thinking?


Nice but cozy... Wish my apartment irl looked like that. But nope, my place has less room. Just a studio apartment.

With the move settled, it's time to focus on their wants... and for Victor that's befriending Chris Cho!

A bit after Victor pulled off just that...

Curtis managed to get a cooking skill point. It does help that Curtis somehow is at the top already - he can just learn skills on his own pace without considering promotions.

Victor wanted to flirt a bit with Curtis.

Before the advances could continue, it was time for lunch.

Lunch on Wednesday that is, just in sync with the rest of the neighbourhood. Not Monday.

Time to continue the romance...

... if it weren't for Regan interrupting. Victor jumped in the pool for a bitto.

After dealing with all that (and Pamela Landry barging in to use the computer), the two lovebirds ound each other again for a makeout session.

Followed by dinner - All Victor's romantic wants made way for platonic ones.

At least they can cuddle together while sleeping, right?

The next morning Curtis made plans to improve on his cooking after cleaning up the house a bit...

... leaving Victor to improve his relationship with Chris - maybe making best friends with her?

Not yet - the carpool arrived.

At least Curtis has all opportunity to study his cooking - he even got invited to the cuisine hobby club!

Chris called in again - but this time she felt like talking to Curtis instead of Victor.

When Victor got home, he wanted to play a bit with Curtis, have some more quality time...

... which was sadly not meant to be for now - as Curtis' carpool showed up.

Victor jumped in the pool to focus on his want to earn a skill point - body might work out here.

Pamela also showed up to use the couple's computer - but instead was met with a fight from Gina the maid!

Gina, who apparently has a maxed out body skill, didn't strike hard enough for severe consequences...

So Curtis showed up back home without too much going on.

While Curtis hit the cooking books again, Victor had some late dinner with Pamela...

After the meal Victor's body showed off the consequences of swimming all evening. Curtis couldn't help but take a glimpse at his partner.

After refocusing back on his book, Curtis got another skill point...

... and joined Victor in bed.

The next morning, after Victor had a bath and went off to work...

... Curtis hit the cooking books yet again - but hey, he's at level 6 already. He started off at level 2 iirc.

Before continuing his cooking journey, Curtis dealt with the bills.

Victor, after getting back from work, decided getting drilled in the military wasn't enough exercise and went on a jog...

Curtis finished his bath just in time to not miss the carpool.

Victor, once returned from his jog, received a call from Miranda Norman - but alas, it was for Curtis.

After a swim and a bath, Victor called it a day and went to bed.

Late in the evening Curtis returned from work - and felt like making some spaghetti before also going to sleep.

The next morning it was a Saturday...

... meaning Victor has the day off and the couple can visit the Stratford Strip to hang out at.

The two haven't even arrived yet and in true Veronaville fashion there's fighting going on already - Demi vs Peter!

Victor rolled some wants to hang out with his friend Trista Shaw who lived with him at the flophouse - and it turns out she can do him a favour to lower the family rent!

Curtis meanwhile catches up with his friend Regan Capp and makes best friends with him.

While the guys are socialising, I notice that April Hutchins, apparently, has a twin!

Curtis and Victor aren't bothered too much yet and are enjoying hot dogs together.

Who IS bothered however is Regina Tsvirkunov, who suddenly sees two Aprils looking at her.

To add to the chaos a burglar walks by, not realising this isn't a robbery anymore.

I leave the guys to their own devices - and they get all over each other again - making Curtis officially fall in love with Victor!

The two of them kiss again, just as Hal Capp walked by (probably feeling jealous and insecure).

That kiss is enough to make Victor fall in love with Curtis.

After the two of them hang out a bit more, Victor's wants reroll - Bingo!

The two move themselves to the spot, while a stray dog drinks from a nearby puddle...

... And then Victor proposes! A shame that the ring just went a bit off screen while I grabbed a screenshot...

After their relationship upgrade it was time to go back home!

The two had leftover burgers for breakfast.

Followed by a call from a hobby leader as Victor hit the mechanical books.

Curtis joins his fiancé on the couch reading skill books - jsut as the landlord organises an apartment party.

The pizza is enough to get Curtis out to eat.

Victor manages to focus on his skill book long enough to earn a mechanical skill point while Curtis went for a nap...

... but he cannot resist the pizza either, and starts socialising with the rest of the apartment.

Sorry Miranda you're just too late - Curtis just left for work.

And the same goes to you Chris...

... "but hey, feel free to come over right now!"

Seeing each other face-to-face fulfilled the want to make Best Friends! Done!

One good-bye hug later and Victor is back to bed...

... nah, he wants to make friends with Keith Cormier now.

Victor was too tired to keep the conversation running so he's back to bed.

When Curtis got home from work he joined Victor in bed...

... and they were cuddling together when the first summer morning light peeked in through the window.

Before we can marry these two off, it's time to move to university and play the university households next. I'm still not sure on whether to put Hermia in with Juliette and Puck and play that household together, or to put Hermia in the dorms first? Oh well, we'll see next post.

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...