Saturday, 3 June 2023

Round 4-6 (Regan Capp)

Regan Capp
Previously at Regan Capp's: After being raised by their parents into childhood, Cunedagius got accepted into private school! Regan and Cornwall's growing success in their business careers may have had a hand in convincing the headmaster... can they keep up with the pace in this round?

It's time to get up early for Regan and Cornwall once more for their blossoming careers!

While Cunedagius works on their homework, their parents receive their inheritance after Consort passed.

Regan immediately wanted to spend that money on home decor - and that's what she got.. Now that we have started it already anyways.....



Regan and Cornwall got hit with the TimLe TourneauMarco Polo wants, so of course the pool was added. The flooring and wallpapering on the bottom floor was redone for a cleaner look, and the backside of the house was expanded to make room for the backdoor porch.

I also built an additional room to store the massage table bought back in round 1 in.

With the house redone, Cornwall called the exterminator to deal with the roach pest that we got after one of the times Kent kicked the bin. The place has to be as fresh as possible.

Being the one without the skills for a promotion while Cornwall has, Regan decided to stay home for Cunedagius until the school bus comes.

She's using the free time to play some chess and work on her logic skill.

The exterminator comes and does the job.

And by the time Regan earned the point and got herself some lunch, Cornwall got a work event... Gaming on the job, who would've thought?!

He chose wisely and nicely!

Oberon and Titania walked by - and with a want to talk hobbies she has reason to greet them.

After which she left her visitors to their own devices to grind her logical thinking a bit more.

Cornwall and Cunedagius got back home, and the latter brought their cousin Adrian Capp along.

Not shortly after Ariel Capp called to talk with Cunedagius, giving an easy opportunity to make a new friend!

A less opportune event though was the fridge being empty. 

After Cunedagius made their very first friend...

... it was time to do some grocery shopping...

... though Cornwall got a bit distracted by the presence of the recently revived Hermia (who may have been his daughter in the beta version of the game) - meanwhile her brother Tybalt was in the background in his natural habitat of harrassing Montys. 

After the groceries were done, Cornwall felt like getting some new clothes as well.

On his way back, he saw the Veronaville classic sight of Tybalt beating up Mercutio.

Outcome: not the Shakespearean canon so far.

Soon after he also saw the Tumblrean canon between those two - making flirty faces at each other - but wasn't Titania back at Cornwall's house?

Yup, there she is - near the pool ladder.

And there Oberon is, transforming into his Werewolf form! - meanwhile Regan locked in on a new want instead: to earn more money - and getting promoted is a good way to do just that.

After eating and hanging out with their guests a bit more, it was time to call the first day.

The next morning Regan got up early, to make sure she takes good care of herself for work.

As Cunedagius has hopped on the school bus, Cornwall takes off to work as well, albeit a little late.

Today it was Regan who got the chance card...

And oh wow! 6 skill points AND a promotion! THAT is good luck!

Even better - the promotion is DOUBLE.

With the maid having slacked off to read the newspaper, Regan had to take it upon herself to clean up the dishes. Nevertheless it's good to have maxed out her logic skill.

With some social wants now, greeting Titania and Pamela seems like a good idea.

Regan even made best friends with Titania in the pool!

After that Regan got struck by the shopping spree disease again - with all the promotion money and all that. This time we got a new TV, a stereo and an expanded kitchen.

Cornwall and Cunedagius were up for a good surprise upon their return home.

Everyone had gelatin for dinner... 

... followed by everyone going to bed afterwards.

While the household was sleeping, I realised Cunedagius has benefit points to spend - so I put them all on their needs.

Another morning...

... another day of work and school for everyone, and another day for Cornwall to show up late again...

Regan turns out to also have a bit of a habit to play some games on the job - perhaps Cornwall is a bad influence on her? 

Luckily Regan slipped away with it as well. The president of the company has to have at least SOME responsibility.

Cornwall and Cunedagius got home - no friends of promotions, but with a solid pay check and good grades.

Cornwall wasn't too happy to hear Kent's voice on the other side of the line - they're still bitter towards each other.

Regan got home from work as well - no promotion this time, but she DID roll the want... right as the weekend started. Wonderful timing, Regan!

Ariel called in again, wanting to speak Cunedagius again. 

Cunedagius, wanting to make best friends with their cousin, went for the call.

Peter Ottomas walked by and, considering Regan was on the edge of friends with him, she asked him in and got a few golf classes for more charisma

The evening passed by...

... the people in the house entertained themselves...

... and Regan purchased a stylist chair.

Immediately afterwards she rolled a want to get a bronze cosmetology talent badge which means she has to practise.

Which means...



"Oh my!"

"Regan, what..."

"I'm BALD! I look like KENT!"
"Well technically Kent isn't bald anymore..."

"You know what I can fix this."

And fixing it she does!

"Aah, much better."

Next one on the list was Peter Ottomas.

Regan decided to take it a bit more easy and just shaved off his stubble and redid his eyebrows.

Peter was pleased with the outcome.

Of course Cunedagius was next.

One eyebrow combing later and they were done as well.

Time to call it a night after all that hard practise.

The next morning Cunedagius caught up on their homework. 

By the time they finished it, Cornwall started painting... 

... Regan made a few phone calls to solidify her social network.

Up next was Cornwall on the phone, getting called by Nathen Custer.

After earning a body skill point earlier while playing TimLe TourneauMarco Polo in the pool, Regan rolled a want to gain more body skill - pretty useful to use against the Montys.

Regan made it to level 3 while Cornwall was reading about toilets to Cunedagius.

Cunedagius, slowly getting hungry but not feeling like having more gelatin for dinner, called for some pizza.

By the time it arrived, Regan started calling over her nieces and nephews.

Soon enough the house was filled up with company...

... and while Cornwall had to deal with prank callers...

Regan used the company to practise her makeover skills a bit more.

"... oh my..."

"What happen-- AAH!"

"I look like a CLOWN! I need a PROPER makeover!"

Regan was quick to oblige.

"Ooh much better! I look like a worthy successor to pick up the Capp torch now!"

Regan was pleased with the feedback and thinking what we all are probably thinking now...


Makeover, makeover!

Makeover, makeover!

Makeover, makeover!

Makeover, makeover!

Makeover, makeover!

Makeover, makeover!

For you and meeee!

Downstairs in the meanwhile... Puck, Hermia is literally in the next room!

That's better... although it might still cause some drama down the line.

It was getting late however, and everyone left the house to go home...

... except for Ariel, who stayed til 4am to finish her painting like a legend.

The next morning, it was once again summer - which means it is time once more to leave the family be for now and more on to the next household - which is the Roseland family!

To be continued

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Round 6-5 (Antonio Monty)

Antonio Monty Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered ...