Saturday, 26 November 2022

Round 3-8 (Kent Capp)


Kent Capp
Previously at Kent Capp's: After raising through the ranks of the educational system quickly, Kent managed to gather the funds to move out of Regan's house and into his own apartment! Will he manage to continue his career? Will he focus on learning, or will he find love along the way?

Because I reset the day to a Saturday to sync up with the rest of the town, Kent no longer has to work when he wakes up in the morning...

This gives him more time to eat his brekkie in peace (and earn a cooking skill point along the way)... 

... and gives him the time to find someone to talk hobbies with at a community lot! (and maybe more?)

At the community lot he stumbled upon his friend Bianca Monty! He didn't see yet that his father and sisters were ALSO there.

Goneril was the first to walk outside - and onto that nasty Monty desecrating Kent's Capp aura with her Montiness...

She took matters into her own hands at once.

Bianca shoved those matters right back at her. Kent would also argue that Goneril's behaviour was wrong.

Meanwhile, Consort: "This is fine." 

Carla Zuimelhof: "You call this FINE?!"
Consort: "It's our local culture!"

While Carla and Consort managed to overcome their disagreement on culture by playing red hands, Kent asked Bianca to hang out at a spot with less Capps antagonising her.

A spot such as the Stratford Strip!

Kent was able to serve Bianca some delicious hamburgers for lunch together!

Kent did not think through one thing going to the Monty side of the river: he might've gotten rid of the Capps antagonising Bianca, but now he'd walk into Montys antagonising himself instead.

And just as Isabella Monty takes charge on Kent the Capps show up - apparently they have all followed Kent here! 
Albany Norman is also in the background doing some shopping, but I'm skeptic that they consider him a Capp anymore.

Goneril is the first one to smash into Isabella!

Isabella the Fitness Granny Guru manages to fight her off however.

Bianca takes a page from her mother's book and fights Consort Capp off!

Kent decides that neither side's public location is save for him and Bianca to hang out, and takes her home.

As they hang out, the houselord organises a party for the apartment building!

There's pizza for everyone! Though Kent is in need of some sleep after this hectic hangout.

He says his goodbyes to Bianca before getting some Z's...

Afterwards he wolves down some pizza...

... meets up with one of his neighbours...

... and after a shower he watches some TV in the evening.

And right during his sleep, some vermin popped in to the lot. Thanks Cornwall!

The next day! Kent served some breakfast.

He tried to find someone to hang out with, but the apartment neighbour he talked with yesterday wasn't in the mood to hang out and his good acquaintance Adrian was at work. At least Bianca was there to have a call with.

After debriefing about the fighting yesterday, Kent decided that he should learn some anger management, so that he'd keep his head cool during future confrontations.

One day of reading later and he learned a useful skill!

After hiring a maid because Kent is lazy, he rolled a want to see a ghost!

Since Capp Manor is not a community lot and off-limits, the local graveyard it is...

... here I realised I forgot to place the Summdream ancestors' graves in proper positions.

No ghosts popped up at the spot - but Adrian Lewis DID! And he kissed Kent!

Cue the hearts and the friendships!

With no ghosts and being very tired, Kent went back home.

So far another productive day!

The next morning...

Snow and work for Kent!

Once he got back, he got that promotion!

Adrian Lewis was calling in, so of course Kent answered...

... and after that it was time for a second try to catch a peek of a ghost.

So back to the graveyard he goes...

And of course I'm dumb enough to forget to put those graves in their spot.

Luckily for Kent he was the only Capp and the only Montys who showed up were Bianca and Isabella, the latter of which was more preoccupied with Demi Love.

While Isabella managed to beat up Demi, a ghost popped up! ... and then didnt bother with scaring Kent...

Then another ghost popped up.. STRIKE.

Then another ghost popped out of the phone booth, right as Kent went off...

... Kent decided to take a bite instead of going home immediately, while the ghosts bothered several other visitors.

After playing some red hands with Bianca to gain some fun, Kent tried to get out of there again without getting spooked on his way out.

This time he succeeded... But look at how those motives got dragged down :o 
I'm using Cyjon's ghost hack, but I guess those motive drains from that mod are a bit stronger than expected.

After a short nap to gain some energy, Kent got up to eat some more and shower himself to fix himself up a bit.

The next morning Kent almost slept in for work.

He managed to get to use the bathroom and have a small call before heading off for work.

Sadly his adventures overnight meant he didnt perform well enough today to get promoted.

He however IS eligible for the special bookcase career reward, which not only teaches skills much faster, but also allows Sims to study ALL skills, not just Cooking, Cleaning and Mechanical.

For his career Cleaning is the skill he needs the most, so Kent studied that to fulfill his want.

After that he took a shower while Adrian Lewis was getting ready to come over.

Adrian greeted Kent again with a kiss.

Inbetween I realised that I hadn't assigned Kent's points yet - so here he goes, including having a Family aspiration for his secondary as decided by my Aspiration Calculator.

Kent fulfilled his want to slow dance with Adrian - during which the two officially fell in love.

After entering the apartment, Kent popped the question to Adrian...

... and then they were roommates.


After a long day Kent went to bed.

By the time the seasonal tidings turned into spring, Adrian joined Kent in the same bed, cuddling him. 

Will the upcoming spring blossoms signifiy this relationship blossoming into even more? That sadly has to wait until next round because first we'll have to check up on how Albany and Miranda Norman are doing after the divorce.

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...