Sunday, 30 October 2022

Round 3-6 (Regan Capp)

Regan Capp
Previously at Regan Capp's: While offering some room to her brother in financial need Kent, Regan and Cornwall went through the expectancy of their first child together! It was a good thing that Kent build up enough of a career to move out of his own again, so that his room gets freed up to make a little Nursery for little Cunedagius.

We start off where we left things off - Regan is teaching her child to walk...

... while Cornwall is teaching himself to have some more charm to his words - good thing he rolled a want to gain a skill point.

After Regan went to bed it was his shift to take care of Cunedagius

Part of this shift entails reading the little friend about The Happy Adventures of Teddles the Bear!

Followed by Cornwall finishing what Regan started and officially teaching Cunedagius how to walk.

Because it is the first night of Winter it's time to gather some friends and family around and have a New Year's Bash!

Before all the guests show up the front yard's gotta get cleaned up - I wonder who made that mess to begin with?

Of course, it's Kent holding a grudge against Cornwall - and kicking in the trash can right under Cornwall's nose!?

Cornwall is quick to teach Kent not to mess around with him!

Just in time, as the guests all arrived!

Things got cozy inside really quick already!

Well, except for Hal Capp who even tries to make moves on Nora Zuimelhof when I'm not in charge.

With everyone having a Good Time, it feels like no time til Father Time pops up for the festivities!

Everyone gathered and soon....

... Happy New Year!

The party was a success! Up to the point where Titania used her fairy magic to sit on air!... huh.

After Regan tackled the night shift taking care of Cunedagius, it was time for her to have a well-needed rest too.

Cornwall is the only person with a Sunday shift this week, which means he has to get up early already... 

At least he made it to the carpool in time, while also saying hi to his wife's surviving siblings on the way... wait what?

Being home alone with her child, it was once again up to Regan to take care of the kid.

"Who's a happy little plane?!"


".. You dropped some cargo... Ugh..."

After putting Cunedagius to sleep, Regan took a much-needed shower!

Meanwhile Cornwall got back home with a promotion! - and Kent apparently hung out again as well.

Regan and Cornwall played some chess together as the birthday notification popped up.

But first, he felt like updating his wardrobe to reward himself for his efforts at Capp Inc

... Though he also found some Montys at the Veronaville Market, turning the location into the Veronavile Market once more.

After that he felt the atmosphere towards his name change a bit for the worse, prompting Cornwall to just buy the clothes...

... and then get back home asap.

Cornwall tries to teach Cunedagius to talk for a little, but his own needs take some priority as well...

... Which leaves Regan once again in charge of caring for Cunedagius before getting some sleep for herself.

... Well, sleep...

A certain Greyson Ternynck had other things on his mind. It's a good thing that Regan purchased a burglar alarm.

The cops were quick to take care of the situation!

Which means more moneys!

The next day both Regan and Cornwall had a shift planned - which means the babysitter has to be hired.

With Cornwall off to work...

The babysitter does anything to keep Cunedagius happy - including skipping the potty training ritual.

The days back to work were much needed for their parents, as both Regan...

... AND Cornwall got promotions! 

And with more money comes the urge to buy more stuff, and Regan's classic fortune Sim whims bring her to buying a family car.

And as Cornwall polishes his charisma once more, Regan successfully pottytrains Cunedagius.

This time around it is Regan who heads off to the Veronaville Market.

She bought herself and Cornwall some new clothes...

... And got herself a new watch as well because why not, it looks professional.

When she got back home, Regan made some quality time with Cornwall...

... Before celebrating Cunedagius' birthday with just the three of them.

Annnd here we grooow!

Ooh they grew up with a really goofy grin! xD

Now that Cunedagius is at their school years it's time to upgrade their bedroom a bit...

Which means, as you might guess already...


It's certainly not big, but it does the trick... and I made some use of a wallpaper and carpet from Life Stories, which I recently added to my game!

And sincet I got into build mode anyways, I also gave the other side of the house a small expansion.

This also includes expanding the kitchen and the dining room - there's finally enough room for an archway directly into the kitchen from the stairs! The counters also got color-coordinated with the rest of the windows, which always looks neat.

And with a home makeover comes a Sim makeover! Oh look, they got their father's hairstyle and their mother's glasses!

Of course someone jealous arrived afterwards - Cornwall was really quick to shoo him off *again*.

The next morning everyone got up quickly - and Regan also redeemed her personal mini golf course!


With Cunedagius going to school now, there's no more need for Regan nor Cornwall to stay at home.

... and when Regan came back from work, she took initiative for another dream of hers - time to try and get her child into Private School!

As a first step to hopefully try and impress the headmaster, Cornwall got another promotion.

As a second step, it was time to give the house another makeover!


First - the main room has been given some TLC - the couches got an upgrade and a new dining set has been purchased.

Next the master bedroom/office got an upgrade - I made use of another Life Stories wallpaper and upgraded the desks and the bed.

While Cunedagius played around with Desdemona who walked by (they got the want to play with a relative), the headmaster made his arrival!

The house tour went... blah, only one of the bedrooms was impressive enough. The food... many of the Capps dont like to cook because that's a Monty thing...

Which leaves the Capp's main strength in this scenario: schmoozing!

Schmoozing and coffee that is. At least the headmaster likes hearing about Regan and Cornwall's careers.

In fact, he likes them enough that he officially accepts Cunedagius into his private school!

Congratulations Cunedagius, you've just made it to the same level as your oldest cousins at the time.

After having a busy day being successful, Regan and Cornwall go to bed tired, but satisfied.

And with Spring just starting, only more success can blossom during the next round, right?

Though that has to wait for now, next post we'll be catching up on what happened at Bianca and Cyd Roseland's family! Rumour has it that they've moved out of their apartment into a house...

To be continued


Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...