Saturday, 13 August 2022

Round 2 Uni - 2 (Mercutio Monty)

Mercutio Monty
On the third day of the Monty household, Mercutio moved out to occupy a dorm room at college. Being out and away from the town where one half basically hates him jsut for his last name, Mercutio hopes to enjoy more freedom to make new friends!

Mercutio grew up! Just as his nemesis Tybalt with no parents to come with him, but he is excited to try out this phase in his life.

Mercutio, being a Popularity Sim, houses himself in a bigger dorm with room for 10. 
Downstairs there's the entrance with a study corner in the center, a cafeteria wing to the right and a wing with 2 rooms, a bathroom and the lounge corner to the left.

On the upstairs we have a study corner with desks above the stairs, leading to 2 more wings with 4 bedrooms and a bathroom each.

Mercutio got the first room pick and went for the one closest to the entrance.

Followed by him focusing on his want to get 5 best friends - one call with Oberon Summerdream made him reach that milestone.

... followed by Mercutio rolling wants to join the Political Science major, which he declared at once.

Mercutio then rolled a want to gain a skill point, and since Creativity is one of the points needed he went for the easel...

... followed by lunch, which got interrupted by a "feckin' young 'un" popping out of the fridge" and running for the hills.

Having his want panel be dominated by his friends going to college,Mercutio met up with the study group to meet some faces...

... followed by him going to the H&M to go shopping.

Mercutio bought some jewelry...

... And tried on some new clothes...

... And also got rid of that horrendous dive suit he aged up in, only to then have to leave for class.

As he was away, some of the villains in town got into a fight.

Meanwhile, Tybalt was also at the scene and the cow mascot... serenaded him???
Tybalt was not happy.

Mercutio meanwhile got back from class and met with some people, such as Carla Carr...

With whom he does hit off quite well.

Sadly for him Tybalt was still cross at Mercutio for his Capp pride being damaged in combat.

Mercutio was the wiser person and went off to his dorms to get cleaned up.

After which he got class again.

He had dinner...

... and then hung out with a dormmate of his before going to sleep.

Rip his friendship with Miranda.

The next day.

Mercutio rolled a want to befriend Carla. 

And got his way through phone contact.

Next he felt the desire to build his bond with Gary, and had some chatting time with him.

After that Mercutio felt it was time to PARTY! Time to convince some of the folks home that college life was worth it.

Ooh Mercutio's in the mood for some love!

Right at the start of the party he made best friends with Nora.

Socialising with his guests put Mercutio out of the mood for love. He also has class, but being at the minimum requirement to pass the next exams Mercutio stays home.

Of course a college party is no college party without someone peeing their pants. Sucks to be him...

After chatting a bit with his grandfather, the party turned into a success.

With his very first exam coming up, Mercutio decides to crash on the couch first

And when the inconvenient nighttime exam strikes...

... Mercutio passes, albeit with a C.

He sleeps in the next morning to reset his nocturnal clock.

And after cleaning himself and the dorm up he goes to a community lot.

Mercutio has heard there is some really good invention that might train the body in the depths of the lab.


... maybe not.

Guess it's off to the stadium.

When of course class calls first -_-

When Mercutio finally got back, I just fast-forwarded him to get his wants to build skill points.

After which Mercutio tried talking about his newfound hobby prowess.

Mercutio then went for some caffeine...

... and used it to go home.

Where, oh boy what joy, one of his dormmates peed her pants. Good for her it wasn't at a party.

Despite the puddle of urine right next to him, Mercutio went for lunch...

... followed by destressing with some T-- HOLY SHIT PANT-PEE GIRL DROPPED DEAD OUTSIDE!!!

After Grim brought Lauren Butler to the afterlife, Mercutio had to rush to class.

When he got back, he arranged a proper burial place for her back in Veronaville.

You shall be missed, Lauren Butler. 

After a good night's sleep, Mercutio went out for some early breakfast

And hung out with Gary.

Mercutio cleaned up the bathrooms a bit just as another of his dormmates fainted from exhaustion.

... and while grandpa Patrizio was calling his grandson, another dormmate peed his pants. 

... and the fumes of the urine pile (or more proable, the hunger) caused Forrest Gregory to drop dead, too!
Mercutio, who talked to him a bit, wanted to befriend him, so he went off to plead to the Reaper... but Grim had his phone out already.

And so, Forrest Gregory lost his life in his college years.

Mercutio arranged for a proper funeral in Veronaville for Forrest too.

Rest well, Forrest Gregory.

Mercutio though, had to keep his head up and have his second exam.

And despite the happenings as of late, Mercutio passed and entered his junior year!

A call from Carla signalled the end of the round, and oh boy, Mercutio needs to SERIOUSLY work on some of his skills to pass junior year.

Will Mercutio be able to pull 4 creativity skill points or 5 mechanical skill points out of his hat? Will all of the remaining dormies stay alive during that time? That remains to be seen at the next round - as it is time to move on to round 3 of Veronaville next, where we'll start back at Capp Manor!

To be continued

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