Antonio Monty
Previously at Antonio's: A lot of aging happened - Antonio's twins departed for college, Samantha's twins entered puberty, and Samantha herself turned old.
And with the traits mod in play, we'll start off listing those:
Antonio - Absent-Minded, Family-Oriented, Grumpy, Natural Cook, Workaholic
Samantha - Easily Impressed, Family-Oriented, Hopeless Romantic, Light Sleeper, Nurturing
Sharla - Animal Lover, Bookworm, Hydrophobic, Nurturing
Thomas - Clumsy, Dog Person, Genius, Supernatural Fan
Oscar - Athletic, Party Animal, Slob, Vehicle enthusiast
Charlotte - Friendly, Hates Outdoors, Shy, Supernatural Fan
Sharla, who is on the last day of her teenhood, rolled out of bed with the want to go to college.
After failing to get any scholarships...
... she called the VUL's administration...
... and poof she's off!
The other kids had to leave for school as well...
Which left Antonio and Samantha at home with just the two of them. Antonio is using this time wisely to brush up his cooking skill, which pushes him closer to his first promotion since Hero died.
"Oi teen, you should be at school right now, shouldn't you?"
After Samantha did the bills...
... she and Antonio lived their morning in peace.
Then the school bus came home...
Is that the one and only Joy Despret, entering the house with Charlotte?
Oscar shows off his grades to his mother...
... while Charlotte stares at her *ahem* icon of a classmate.
Lunch time is upon the teens...
... but wait - not everyone is there yet - David just walked by!
"Hi I'm Joy Despret and you're
watching the Kidztube channel!"
While Oscar is trying to work on his physique...
... we're following Thomas to the cemetery.
... where we do have to keep Thomas away from Uncle Cyd!
He keeps robbing people at the graveyard!
Thomas got lucky - as the subject of his wants appears as a ghost!
She seems eager to strike...
NOPE - wrong Sim.
Second time's the charm though!
Time to go back home quickly!
There Oscar earns a body skill point...
... while Charlotte embraces and befriends Joy Despret, disgusting Juno Birch in the process.
Chris Cho walked by as well - which prompted Samantha to let her in!
Oscar got his dream of becoming fit and flexes his muscles in front of his school friend.
While Charlotte starts dreaming of dabbling into toymaking...
... Antonio invites people over to his birthday party!
The guests have arrived!
A grant is lost for Thomas!
And it doesn't take long for Mercutio Monty to attack Oberon Summerdream!
Oberon however, uses his Werewolf strength to keep Mercutio at bay.
Mercutio got to live to tell the tale though...
... and decided to redirect his aggression towards Oberon's lovely wife Titania!
Mercutio's fighting prowess proved more successful against her!
But luckily, no heads have rolled on the floor..
... for we need all the jolly spirit we can get in order to celebrate Antonio's birthday into elderhood!
A small spin for Simkind...
... but a huge leap into elderhood!
He starts his grey years off with a wink to the camera.
Antonio also selects three townies to grow grey with him - including the infamous Carmen Patch.
Antonio definitely did a good job as an adult in comparison to the others.
Samantha has other worries however - she desperately wants one of her children to get engaged, and because David is the only one of age at this moment...
... she has told him to make a move on Chris Cho!
If only Titania and Bianca would do a thing like that and make peace together.
Antonio has rolled a want to max out all of his skills!
Meanwhile Titania is being attacked again!
Mercutio charged at her once more, and if the Montys don't beware they may actually push the Summerdreams to the Capp side of the family feud!
Despite all the fighting, the party ends on a fairly positive note, and we sent everyone off to bed.
Oscar is up early the next morning.
Oscar felt like going out to jog once more, juuust before school.
Antonio got up as well and hogged the telly at once, leading him to earn the cooking skill point he needs to get promoted!
Time to head off to work while the kids are off to school!
Samantha decided not to spend the day home alone, however.
She hung out with Carla Monty all day, welcoming her into the family just a bit more...
... and while both ladies are in the backyard pool...
Oscar Ottomas brought back home Joy Despret once again!
Antonio got home too and FINALLY got himself that promotion!
He celebrated his accomplishment by harassing Miranda Norman...
... and then making everyone burgers! The girls enjoy the smell of a warm meal.
After Thomas dealt with telephone magazine subscription sellers...
"Hi I'm Joy Despret and you're
watching the Kidztube channel!"
... all the teens take a ride in the crummy car...
... and head off to the internet cafe!
After enjoying a bit of coffee and hanging out...
... it's off to P.U.R.E.
Oscar shows off in the dance orb!
The others hit the bar together...
... before everyone gathers into the hot tub.
The outing was a success!
Time to go back home.
Thomas and Charlotte are quick to finish their homework...
... and soon they hit the hay.
Antonio and Samantha follow suit after them.
A new morning, and Oscar already cannot wait to go on his morning jog.
Quince was invited over by Thomas - and also brought along Ariel Capp for the ride... I do feel like Oscar would hit it off with her, as long as Antonio doesn't spot her.
While Charlotte walks in and joins the knowledge boys...
... Oscar takes the car...
... and goes to Speedy's.
Establishing shot.
The moment he sets foot in the establishment, Oscar starts a Smustle group, and people are happy to join.
"Ewww she's disgusting!"
"Hello dear viewers and readers, I'm gonna wash her a bit with this water balloon!"
"Oi! Rude!"
"You dumbass!"
Then along came Breanna Seifert.
Oscar was quick to approach her and start a conversation.
Bianca Monty was quick to approach Titania Summerdream and start a fight.
Bianca emerged victorious.
Oscar was quick to make some moves on Breanna and asked her on a date.
After hitting the dance floor...
... Oscar takes Breanna on a meal.
Lobster it is!
... if it weren't for Hortensio snatching Oscar's lobster away from him! Stop right there criminal scum!
After Oscar managed to steal his lobster back, Hortensio goes straight for Breanna's lobster instead - what a naughty kid!
Must be from his mother's side - Bianca just got into a fight with Cornwall Capp!
Cornwall got the upper hand however.
Oscar and Breanna moved to the bowling alley.
There they moved forward their romance and they got crushes on each other!
Kartherine Gregory got a different kind of crush on Cornwall - one in his skull! If she had a little more body skill we would've lost Cornwall, but he got lucky.
This doesn't seem to bother our lovebirds however.
Breanna namely is ready...
... to pucker her lips for Oscar.
"Wanna kiss?"
"Heheh gonna kiss you anyways."
Gotta love the stuck faces Sims sometimes get xD
Time to go home!
While Quince and Charlotte have a nice conversation outside...
... Ariel walked in, only to be met with an agitated Antonio who had a less than nice conversation with her.
She received a new pair of boots that kicked her out.
Oscar and Samantha joined each other in the simpler pleasures of life.
Thomas judged. Only silently, juuuust silently.
He moved to the easel in his parents' bedroom, where Oscar also went to brush up his charms.
Now that charms are mentioned, Charlotte put some of hers on for Quince Summerdream.
There's one thing she wanted more however, and that is becoming besties with Joy Despret!
While Oscar and Thomas gain some new skills...
The girls had a relationship upgrade...
... and while Thomas got some extra artistic abilities...
... it was Charlotte's turn to pucker her lips.
This time with no funky stuck faces xD
It was at this moment that Charlotte got a crush on Quince.
During all this, Antonio was still at work - and now he has to deal with his boss (isn't he the boss of the Monty restaurant himself??) having a really ugly painting.
It did... not go well.
Welcome home Antonio...
While the aging messages hit the notification wall, Thomas gains another creativity point.
Samantha is still eager to pair up her kids, especially now that her twins have entered the dating scene, so she's getting David to get his butt over here...
But first - We visit the cemetery once more...
Because Thomas wants to spot for ghosts once again.
Before we spotted the ghosts, I noticed THIS - Looks like Kendra has officially chosen Jihoon - which means that we may have to add them as a new household in the town! Poor Romeo, Kendra was one of his main considerations to put a ring on.
But then... ZAP!
Why hello there, Forrest Gregory!
Thomas noticed and tried to lure the ghost.
Poor thing must be starving in the afterlife...
"Come back here!"
Meanwhile Amy Platz is robbing an innocent bystander and Judith Dottore's ghost is scaring someone too...
But then-- BOO!
Want achieved, and Thomas needs to get home at once to recover, Forrest got him good...
Back at home, Chris Cho agreed to come over too... Good, all according to Samantha's plan...
Maybe preparing a dinner for the entire family will help too?
Though to be fair, Antonio might be the better pick for the cook, for he has just maxed out his cooking skill!
Quince transformed right in front of Charlotte's eyes.
Samantha told David to make a move on Chris again.
"Hi I'm Joy Despret and you're
watching the Kidztube channel!"
"Yeah we know, we're gonna join in the pool Joy."
"Oi careful haha! You're getting me wet!"
Oscar meanwhile was in the mood for a prank...
... so let's trick Joy with the Joy-Buzzer!
Joy splashed Oscar completely wet in retaliation.
I also decided to finally give Charlotte her toy bench and to also buy Samantha a computer in the process.
Daww Charlotte is nuzzling Quince.. you'd expect it to be the other way around considering he's the Werewolf one, but it's still cute :3
Aha, I see why Charlotte is into Quince - she likes the Supernatural! So a Werewolf boyfriend would be a big fantasy of hers! :3
Oscar, who napped for a bit, got the want to sneak out.... just hope that none of the visitors will rat him out.
Chris seems to have other things on her mind.
With everyone going to bed...
... it's time for Oscar to sneak ou--- wait are there TWO Breannas? One in the limo, one sneaking out front?
Oooh the big telescope!.. I wonder if someone will get abducted anytime soon?
Not Samantha, who got struck by the newly modded in Elder's Cough. I recently installed Lamare's mod that can kill, ill or prolong elder lives and it's showing already. I did tweak the values a little though to make Sims who are in low aspiration or unwell more likely to suffer, and others less likely to do so.
Oscar sneaked back home safe and sound and not in the back of a police car... good.
Time to sleep in for the night...
... Because the parents are awake! And Samantha got a coughing fit!
You know what, maybe a date will cheer her up.
Charlotte got up, too - and is ready to try making Sir Bricks-a-Lots.
Antonio and Samantha took their dating activities outside. Thomas noticed...
They then took things to the car. Antonio's carpool driver noticed...
Oscar would rather jog far far away... maybe take Maxx along for the run, too.
Charlotte finished a brick!
After returning from his jog, Oscar felt like staying away for longer...
Why not hit the bowling lanes again?
A groovy place!
Oscar hits the photo booth.
What a goof!
Next step - try the bowling again.
Oscar celebrates his physical capability.
.... but...
Mrs Crumplebottom, the old hag, pulls off the same feat!
Heheh, heccin young 'uns don't hold a candle to ME!
Well look who just walked in!
Guess what happens in the photo booth?
More pictures, that's wat.
If only Oscar's dancing skills were as good as his bowling skills...
At least his making out skill compensate for it again!
The same goes for his best friend and massage skills.
Just as Amy Platz pickpockets the wealthy Diva...
... Oscar ends his date on a very high note!
Time to go back home!
... where Samantha's Elder Cough turned into a mystery disease? I should ask Lamare if this is intentional, because an elder's cough is supposed to not be contagious at all, while the Mystery Disease is highly contagious.. don't want one of the teens to keel over from an elder's couch.
Thomas has been in her bedroom all day.. but at least he seems fine.
Oooooh I see... The demotion was a ploy all along! Antonio pretended to be demoted by his boss (even though he's the one in charge at the Monty restaurant) so that he could promote himself again the next day and get the promotion bonus TWICE! The Monty funds have hit the 5 digits now!
Aaand a bouquet for the date earlier.
And with Antonio wanting to earn a skill point again, why not try for painting?
Oscar also hit the books this time and earned a mechanical skill point - which should help him in a potential Athletic career. He's got the jock vibes doesn't he?
And with that another skill has been maxed out by Antonio!
Obligatory Maxx is a good clean boi picture.
With Antonio hogging the easel now, Thomas tries to work on his cleaning skill instead.
Charlotte invites over Quince.
Quince goes Awoo.
Charlotte goes Awooga.
A few romantic gestures later and both are completely crushing on each other.
Woop woop, Samantha's healed from her cough!
If only Charlotte healed from her sleep shortage. Poor Thomas.
At least she still has the energy to make out with Quince afterwards.
After all that they only made it to best friends now.
Samantha also worked on her relationships - she called up Chris in the hopes of welcoming her even more to the family and maybe motivate her and David to finally make it official already.
After that she took off to the Stratford Strip...
... where Romeo found himself surrounded with two of his crushes, including Amy Platz.
Samantha didn't put the pieces together and just quickly went to buy Antonio a few new clothes. Light blue, his favourite colour.
Exiting the shop, she spotted David and had a chat with him.
Time to go back home...
... where Antonio puts the finishing touches on another painting, making a match with a previous work of his.
After putting him in some of the new clothes...
... it is time to sleep.
The next morning it's still autumn!
The day starts off well, with Charlotte having some quality time with Maxx while Oscar gains a body skill point on his daily jog.
It's only when Samantha's carpool arrives that the Winter announces itself, telling us to save and leave the Monty-Ottomas family for the round.
Next time we'll be catching up with Regan Capp's household.
To be continued