Saturday, 26 October 2024

Round 5 Uni - 3 (Townies)

Previously at the Townies: The four teen townies who didn't grow up with their playable counterparts are going through college together in order to enter the adult townie pool again as well-educated people. That is, if they won't fumble their college education.

Just like all other Sims in Veronaville, these students have been upgraded with favourite colours!

Kendra McCarthy and Nancy Philippine like Grey
Jihoon LeTourneau prefers Brown, while
Ralph Enriquez is into Blue.

Kendra McCarthy wanted to earn a skill point - so she beelined towards the telescope.

Jihoon however, is just sick and tired of how messy a dorm can get and hires a maid to keep the place a bit more clean.

Nancy fulfills her cherished ambition of reaching the peak of her creativity...

... while Ralph gains a mechanical skill point he needs to make Deans List, followed by priding himself in his new buff build.

Kendra got the same reward after working out in front of the TV.

While Nancy sold her latest masterpiece for a solid paycheck...

... the cow mascot's antics got her in trouble on the streets...


The resulting roll turned into a close call! If Arianna was a cheerleader the cow would've been toast!

The cow needed to cool down. She had her own methods of doing just that...

After using the newly  bought chess table for a logic point, Ralph was off to focus on his term paper.

The chess table was needed because Jihoon was hogging the telescope, which caused an angry Bottom to show up... I really should get that mod that actually randomises the shover.

Nancy meanwhile just wanted to be friends - one call fixes that craving.

While Ralph finishes his paper...

Kendra earns herself another logic skill point.

Time for class!

Which gives Brandon the opportunity to beat up the cow mascot - she really can't catch a break can she?

At least the roll was in her favour.

With everyone back, and Ralph on his way to get that coveted Deans List spot...

... it was Nancy whose turn it was to get a logic skill point on the telescope.

Time for Jihoon to take over.

Dammit Cow Mascot!

Luckily Ralph has nothing to worry about.

Time for sleep.

A new morning dawns...

Beatrice calls for Kendra.

After Kendra catches up with her, the four walk off...

... to visit the Lounge.

Jihoon decides to figure out which one of his two dormmates he likes more.

Sadly for him Kendra is less interested in him... still any lingering feelings for Romeo?

Or maybe Benedick's presence put her out of the mood.

She also made best friends with Nancy after hanging out together.

Benedick was having fun with his sweetheart Chloe...


Jihoon found a girl he also has some chemistry with and they seem to be hitting it off fairly well.

This is REALLY escalating.

Time to get out.

Home sweet home, where Kendra does the hedges, Ralph has a shower and the other two are eating lunch.

Oi, just because Ralph is in the bathroom doesn't mean you can pee outside - there's bathrooms upstairs, too!

Ralph is REALLY motivated - up to the point he manages to let others do his homework!

Nancy meanwhile got called by her new friend Caryl! Hopefully they can become best friends...

Not right before class starts again however.

With the boys off as well...

... it's time to zoom til everyone's back from class!

While Kendra is getting a call from Beatrice...

... Nancy is thinking of [FILE NOT FOUND]

Time to boot up Hoodchecker again!

Meanwhile Jihoon booted up the telescope again!

Not for too long please - you're scheduled for another infamous nighttime exam!

After some rest...

... the gang is on their way once again...

And woop woop! They all passed!

Kendra celebrates by trying to find a star!

And she pulls it off somehow! Lucky!

While the rest of the house has their meals, Nancy hogs the telescope.

She's consequently visited by an angry Bottom.

Kendra also got in a fight again - she's made quite a lot of enemies for a Knowledge Sim who is neither grouchy nor involved with the family feud.

Jihoon wants to make Deans List WHILE graduating - ambitious.. but he'll need a LOT more mechanical skills to get there...

The grind for it has started!

Ooh Romeo is still interested in Kendra after all those years...

... I do hope Kendra isn't calling Romeo a cockroach though.

After playing a short ball game, Ralph got a call from Patric Vu - and now they're best friends, too!

Kendra and Nancy meanwhile are exchanging...

... some tea about people who have wronged them.

Nancy may have someone new to add to that list as well.

Kendra was a bit too busy at the moment however, being challenged to a chess match with Ralph.

Kendra got herself a logic skill point, which she needed for her class performance!

Nancy however is a concerning case...

Plates were faced.

Assignments were made.

And beds were slept in...

... and the next day, Bottom was being spied on AGAIN.

Jihoon and Nancy form a contrast here - while he's on the grind for the Dean's List, she's... not doing the same while she really SHOULD do so.

At least Kendra got her paper done and guaranteed herself a graduation.

Nancy decides to hog the telescope while the guys go to class.

At least she grinds on the Logic skill in the process... but can she earn two more points before exams?

It doesn't help that Nancy has class as well now.

While Ralph reserves the phone for Kendra...

... Nancy decides she wants to have her first kiss in college. And this guy seems like a good match.

After a bit of flirting...

... she puckers her lips...

... only for them to be slammed down.

To rub insult to injury the cow mascot also sings Nancy a love song... Sarcasm??

Poor Nancy.

He also lost interest in her as well now.

At least Ralph is hitting it off with someone.

... Nancy is not quite sure how to cope with the trauma of being rejected a first kiss.

Ralph meanwhile would make himself some extra dough. Time to relief the cafeteria cook of her tireless duties.

She spends her time getting into an argument about movies with Jihoon.

"Egh, young 'un, back in me days teh movies were wayyy be'er!"

At least a game of chess seems to have warmed Nancy and her crush up a bit.

Though, he still would rather not fancy a dancy with Nancy.

Sleep well Nancy.

Jihoon finishes a last minute assignment before hitting the hay.

The next morning...

... it is time for the final exams! What will their results be???

Kendra... Graduated!

Jihoon... Deans List!

Ralph.. Graduated!

Nancy... Academic Probation!

This means that next round we'll see Nancy again here at college. Will she gain the skills required to graduate for real then? Or will she get expelled?

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...