Saturday, 25 February 2023

Round 3 Uni - 3 (Tybalt Capp)

Tybalt Capp
Previously at Tybalt's Dorm: After declaring Political Science as his major, Tybalt worked through his first two years attending the VUL. During those years he took on a BADASS makeover, only to have the BADASS aspect shattered losing a fight to Mercutio Monty, but he also found love with his dormmate Amy Platz... With the requirements to pass his Junior year being steep however he might be at risk of being expelled during the upcoming days... can Tybalt overcome those odds?

When taking a shower right after his exams, Tybalt overthinks his next step into the college life: he needs to either gain 3 Mechanical skill points or 5 Creativity skill points to pass Junior year... and he settles with working on his Creativity!

It's easel time! And soon enough...

Tybalt isn't satisfied however, and wants to earn a second point! Right before class time he fulfills that want as well!

Class itself however rerolled Tybalt's wants, including his skill want. Oops, he thinks as he eats his chili con carne for lunch.

He instead goes to talk his hobbies with Amy... and then prompty rolls wants to hang out with HER instead.

It takes a bit of time, but poof, there it is again!

Annnnd he rolls for number 4!

While Tybalt tirelessly works on his skills, some of the other dormmates fall asleep doing less. 

"Must be my strong Capp genes", Tybalt thinks to himself.

Soong enough Tybalt makes it to 4... should he go to bed now?

Of course not! He already rerolled by accident once, he's not taking that risk again, and after 2am...

After that long art stint, Tybalt needs to sleep. At least his college class isn't too early, which means he can afford sleeping in.

Tybalt decides to relax in... his own weird fashion after having breakfast.

After attending his class Tybalt rolled the want to party!

He invited some friends and family over...

And pranked one of his dormmates in anticipation of the guests arriving.

Said dormmate wasn't happy though.

Tybalt didn't have much time to answer his former uncle Albany calling in, who was asking why he wasn't invited...

He did have some time however to hang out with Sierra Kauker.

And to catch up with grandpa Consort.

Tybalt even took the time to introduce Consort to Amy.

Hanging out with Amy a bit more the two made it to becoming best friends, even!

Some later advances of Tybalt's were denied however... 

.. which  actually pushed them OUT of best friend territory again.
At least the party was good.

What was less splendid however was Amy out of all people having an accident. In front of TYBALT even!...

At least the party was over, that would've been even more embarrassing. 

After having some time for himself, Tybalt goes off to sleep.

The next morning it was time for another exam to end off his Junior year!

Tybalt tried to go downstairs to grab some breakfast, but a dormmate had different plans and blocked the stairs while doing her homework.

Tybalt didn't mince his words on his thoughts on this.

In the final hours before his exam Tybalt went for a want to earn another skill point. It did help he already had some experience on cleaning, which meant the first official point was close already.

With his creativity at level 5 Tybalt made Junior year! And because body skill is one of the demands for Senior year Tybalt just needs to go to class to become eligible for graudation.

Despite having a maxed out body skill himself, Tybalt grew a gut, presumably from the greasy dorm foods... But hey, at least he made best friends once more with Amy.

After finishing class once more...

Tybalt threw another party, this time just for relative however.

It didn't take too long for the relatives to arrive... And one in particular really needed to get something off their chest to Tybalt...

"Tybs... you were right all along about the Montys. Romeo, that bastard, was messing around with other girls, too! We broke up." 
"What?!.. Good call Juliette, you deserve someone better than him!"
".. It's just... I don't know, I thought he'd be my partner for life. And now he's done THIS?"
"I'm sure you'll find someone new and worthy. It'll just need some time."

The party meanwhile was considered a snoozer, a fact that was embodied by two dormmates falling asleep. When Juliette walked by she recognised one of the fainters as Sophie Jalowitz, the girl she caught Romeo with.

 "That's karma for you..."

Tybalt's love life has been blossoming more than Juliette's as he catches Amy jumping in his arms! 

Despite the snoozers still lying around at the front porch, the party overall blossomed a bit up - and met it's natural end right before the cops showed up. TOO LATE!

Tybalt calls it a night once more...

... and the next morning...

... he asks Amy out on a date with a very specific goal in mind...

One trip to the Tudor Tower later...

... and the love birds find themselves on the top floor, where a cosy hot tub awaits them.

The two of them soak together, and soon enough they find themselves whispering "I love you" to each other...

Despite the snow outside the heat rises inside the tub...

And soon enough..............

The only person who witnessed the ultimate intimacies is Gary Sims... hey, wasn't he Mercutio Monty's buddy?

The two get out of the tob for some stand-up action, and immediately the other students flock to the hot tube to take it over.

With the hot tub no longer an option, the date had to be ended there. But as long as it lasted Tybalt and Amy had a wonderful time.

Back at home Tybalt rolled the want to create a master piece - and out come the brushes again!

The artistic process got interrupted by college however. Once he got home, he got a call from his professor!

After that I let Tybalt do his own bidding for a while - and he used that time to start spying on his own grandfather!?

When Tybalt went to grab some food, Consort barged in to yell art his own proud grandson.

With the want to paint a masterpiece back in place it's off to the easel once more! Amy joins in to watch along with the process too at some point!

Right about bedtime Tybalt finishes the painting - but because of his date with Amy his exams got moved into the early morning. Time to sleep!

After a few hours of sleep, Tybalt gets up to go to the bathroom...

And then it's off to his final exam!



Time for once final graduation party before leaving college!

Looking snappy there Tybalt!

"Shut up, I look horrible!"

Tybalt was quick to get out of his graduation robes, and soon he was mingling along with the other guests.

Tybalt made some romantic moves on Amy right out of Chef Bertha's view.

He made best friends with both his favourite niece Desdemona and Puck Summerdream.

He also said hi to his aunt Regan and even had a talk with his new uncle Peter.

But right at the tail end of the party, Kent and Cornwall couldn't help themselves but get into a fight!

Luckily that didn't penalise the party score.

Right before officially leaving the campus, Kent won. 

One final picture - of course with Amy!

And then the taxi came - Tybalt is ready to leave the VUL behind for good to return to Veronaville once more!

... Leaving the other dormmates behind, ready to accept new playables looking for dorm space in the future.

How will Tybalt do as an adult living back in Veronaville? Can he join back at Capp Manor, with his aging grandfather Consort? Will he have to find his own apartment in town somewhere? Or will he move in with another relative instead?

And how will Mercutio, who is in a similar predicament as Tybalt was at the start of this episode, wrestle through the final years of college?

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...