Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Round 3-3 (Summerdream)

Summerdream Family
Previously at the Summerdream Family: Things have been going well at first, as young Quince has found a loving home at Oberon and Titania's and then Oberon got a large stash of cash from a job event! Things ended with a few downs however, with Quince's birthday party being a bummer with lots of feuding going on, and now Puck's partner Hermia's tragical death at Capp Manor this round.

Puck got up, with the knowledge of his soulmate's demise. And DANGIT, why don't you have wants to REVIVE?? That's disappointing... At least you want her peaceful rest to not be disturbed by the walking dead :o

I reset the day of the week to sync it up with the rest of the town, and with it being Saturday Quince can invite over Sharla Ottomas for the day

As Quince got out to greet his classmate, Puck finished his homework...

... and Bottom got a logic skill point, per her wants!

Oberon in the meanwhile worked on his creativity skill.

Titania got up the latest - and she rolled the biggest want!

So after Oberon encourages Quince's enterpreneural skills by buying his lemonade...

... Titania makes a call with the pet adoption service!

"Hey pet officer, I'm over here!"

"D'aww you're such a cutie!"

Welcome to the Summerdream Family, Snout!

Quince fulfilled his want to make friends with Sharla - up next is the NEW PUPPY!

Just as Puck got into the carpool, Titania decided to make a few moves on handsome Steven maid! For friendship, of course...

Her flirty charms seem to have reached their limit though

"Sorry ma'am, I'm batting for the guys."

So Titania went for the want that didn't involve romancing Steven - which is making friend with Snout!

Then the carpool for Titania arrived... And with Oberon and Puck at home there was nobody to supervise the kids! Time to rally the backup troops!

At least for long enough until Puck got back home... And with him come the birthday notifications!

Of course Puck goes for the puppy too!

When Oberon comes home, he officially gets a promotion!

To celebrate, Oberon had dinner with his kids... And completely forgot that the first day of Winter is New Year's Eve...

I guess that they experienced enough festive vibes at Capp Manor and Monty Ranch already. That, and those tricky work schedules...

Everyone got ready for bed...

And when Titania got home with a promotion, she also went for her bed at once.

The next morning, Quince started playing with Snout and made it to friendship while Bottom is playing the piano!

Oberon and Titania also made plans to spend the day together.

They went to the local hangout spot at Globe Street...

Where they... 

... basically went...

... all lovey-dovey.

Then they went to the Veronaville Market.

To take their wholesome love activities to a new level.

... or not so wholeso--- Not Titania clipping through Oberon and out of the booth!

...---As I said.. Or not so wholesome....

Overall the lovers are VERY satisfied.

The lovers go back home...

... Though for Titania it's not for long, as she has to do work at her new hours already.

With the mother gone, Puck throws another party for the teens of Veronaville!

Party time!

Not sure how save the dance floor is with all the slippery snow, but those young ones somehow make it work!

The party guests are splitting up in groups a bit, but overall the Capps and Montys present seem to let each other be.

Ariel Capp got over as well, and a dance between Quince and Ariel made them declare each other Best Friends. Just as someone loses their friendship with Ariel's mother...

The party was an overall success!

Just as the guests left, Titania comes home from work - and brings in a flower from her date earlier.

While having dinner and playing the piano, the notifications that Puck and Bottom are about to age up appear once more.

Bottom reacts to it by gaining creativity.

Whereas Puck prepares to go off to college - with a dancing scholarship, which I think fits his partying family quite well

Bottom got there just in time to say her big brother goodbye

After saying their goodbyes, everyone went to sleep once more to end the weekend.

Quince and Bottom got up early and beelined for the piano.

Sadly for them the school bus arrived to pick them up soon.

With Titania off to her work as well, Oberon got the house to himself to practise his logic skills.

The Grandfather clock also broke down. Oberon thought he was capable of fixing it...

At least he is better at inviting party people over.

Right before the school bus arrived, all the town kids and teens make it to the place.

Bottom however was first concerned with showing off her report card to her father!

"Oh hey there birthday girl!"

Then Bottom got to her cake...

... and grew up into a tall teen!

After entering her personality into my Aspiration Calculator, Bottom turned out to be a Pleasure Sim.

While Titania had a bit of quality time with Puck...

... Bottom searched the room to find out which teen is the hottest. David won! A shame he'll enter college later in this round.

After the hot tub got whipped out, the party became a solid succes.

That wasn't the end of the use of the hot tub that night though, as Oberon and Titania got experimental in it...

... VERY experimental.

Bottom also got experimental, albeit with different tools.

And the whisker look goes well with the clothes Bottom aged up into.

But first it's time for bed in the Summerdream house.

Bottom was the first one to get up - her first morning as a teenage girl.

Everyone took some leftover pudding from the party last night - which probably stayed fresh because of the freezing temperatures outside.

As the school bus arrived Titania made a phone call...

... And right as Oberon left for his work, Isabella Monty arrived for a visit.

Titania makes a move on the recently widowed Isabella, who starts to see her fairy friend in a new light.

The postman also sees the two ladies in a new light - and probably wishes for them to take things indoors.

Nay to that - hot tub it is!... Though for Titania the option to woohoo doesnt appear sadly :\ 

And not soon after, Bottom arrives home - which means Titania has to cut things off pronto!

Bottom also brought Mallory Mace home.

Because she has the want to go on a date, why not give Mallory a shot? 
(I could see Mallory and Miranda eventually setting on an open relationship considering they're both Romance Sims, I might have to look into jealousy mods that enable such an arrangement)

Things stay friendly between Bottom and Mallory though - they enjoy each other's dancing moves.

Meanwhile, Oberon got back home and reached the top of the Slacker career!

Right as Bottom and Mallory ended their date, they went for the kiss after all!

Annnd... They got crushes on each other as well!

Also seeing Bottom rolled several wants for new items, I decided to give her bedroom a...


Also seeing Bottom rolled several wants for new items, I decided to give her bedroom a makeover!

Oberon meanwhile decided to take on Cooking skills next - and with it he learned to make spaghetti for dinner!

Oberon's cooking is appreciated by the family.

Bottom rolled a want to improve her creativity - and she made it there once again!

After Oberon earned a second cooking point everyone went to bed once again for the final night of this round...


That is the Leader of the Pack? And Oberon has wants about meeting him and becoming a Werewolf?!

I cannot deny my favourite supernatural can I? ;) 

He made some steps, buuut.. Next round maybe.

Oberon wasn't the only one up at these hours - how nice of you Mallory!

After placing the plant in Bottom's room the Spring announces itself at 71 Bard Boulevard, which means we'll have to move on to the next household of this round...

... Which will be Goneril Capp once more, because I have plans for that round 😈

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...