Saturday, 27 August 2022

Round 3-1 (Capp Manor)


Capp Manor Residents
Previously at Capp Manor: Tybalt Capp moved out to attend college while Juliette and Hermia enjoyed the company of their boyfriends and Consort built skills and networks to be eligible for the one final promotion he needs for his LTW...

The nasty divorce Consort's second daughter Goneril went through might sabotage the relatively ordered lives the Capps have led the past days, as Hal, Desdemona, Ariel and Adrian Capp were brought under Consort's custody. 

The addition of new members to the household does mean rooms will have to be rearranged...

Especially with the stuff Goneril's children have brought along.

Which means...


The front yard got a facelift, with pillars accompanying the stairs and the hedges not being at a really awkward hill angle which makes the gardener struggle. I also made the porch at the front and the balcony above it bigger.

At the back we got a new porch plus a matching balcony above it.

Next everyone is let out again for the next step: the inside...


The lavatory was moved to the left and on it's old spot the chess table now stands. A flatscreen TV was added to the living room and the bathroom next to the kitchen was redone to include an actual shower.

As for the upstairs, the empty green room has been renovated into Hermia's new bedroom. Tybalt's old room became Hal's, Hermia's old room was partially made into a bathroom, whereas the other half plus the former bathroom has been made into Desdemona and Ariel's room. The nursery has also been changed up from a 2x5 room into a 3x3 one so that less space would be needed for walking.

With all changes set up, it's time to get to playing once again - and from this round onwards I'll synchronise the day of the week for all households - which means that Capp Manor, which was at a Thursday, will now start off on Saturday.

Hermia rolled some wants to hang out with Juliette, which were easy to tackle.

Juliette meanwhile wanted to make best friends with Nora, so she got invited over.

Juliette also wanted to earn a skill point and get to level 1 of creativity, so I tackled both of those nicely with an easel. Puck Summerdream, who slept in Consort's bed, was quick to hog it, so Juliette had to get a bit... territorial here.

After she fulfilled those wants and the repair person fixed Hermia's PC...

... Juliette made best friends with Nora!

... which then went awry after a compliment went wrong.

Hal made everyone lunch as Ariel focused on her arts, Hermia tried to learn about fire safety, Desdemona chatted a bit with Nora and Consort wrangled Adrian.

The skill-building went well for everyone...

... Including young, talented Ariel.

Carla called for Consort.

After Consort handled that matter he was the first to kick in this thing I'm planning to do:

I intend to have every household throw a New Year's Bash on the first evening of every Winter round. 

Several Capps and some Summerdreams were invited.

As Juliette got to the age where she is ready to go for college, Hermia rolled the want to buy a bass - and I wholeheartedly agree!

 In my headcanon Hermia's been the kind of person who does the bass in a band, so I am pleased for her future self taking it along with her :D 

Then the guests arrived for the New Year's Bash.

Goneril started to bring up the vibes a BIT too early. You might want to do that indoors!

Like Cornwall and Kent here, as Consort is getting the cozy flames of the fireplace ready for the eve.

Juliette meanwhile got the cozy flames of her crepes ready for serving.

"Et voilá! Behold at my wonderful cooking!"
"Eh. This juice is just fine."

Hermia is giving her new bass a try. Adrian approves of her tunes.

Sadly for Adrian those tunes weren't lasting for the night, as it was time to cheer with friends and family for the new year, and that the Capps may grow to be prosperous!

Father Time then made his entrance. 

With the final minutes of the old year passing by...

... Father Time aged into Toddler New Year, marking the start of new opportunities!

The party was an overall moderate success.

And everyone was off to bed.

Except for Hal and Adrian, that is.

The latter being a bit of a handful and a diaperful.

By the time Adrian was taken care of, the rest of the household woke up.

Juliette: "I am a statue. I am wallpaper. I'm part of the wall now."

After getting herself out of that crammed situation, Juliette made everyone breakfast one final time...

... then she called to gather her scholarships - which are plenty for her.

And then she called to officially make the move.

Good-bye Juliette - we'll see you back at the college rounds

With one less member, the daily life continues for the Capps.

Desdemonda enjoys the golf course and gains some charisma skills from it.

Followed by making Best Friends with Quince Summerdream.

And Hermia improves her artistic skills, as Hal and Consort departing for...

... 431 Globe Street...

... Hal purchases a cellphone and wants to make friends with Nora Zuimelhof.

Luckily for him, Nora happens to be right there.

Hal however isn't very charming - and neither is Consort to Bianca Monty - and Consort officially cements his bad reputation.

That means, REALLY cement his bad reputation.

And kinda crumblign it right again after Bianca wins the fight.

That's far from all the fighting going on though - Peter Ottomas followed and beat up Demi Love...

Followed by Consort winning out in his rematch against Bianca.

Time to get back.

Desdemona improves her golfing skills once again.

And not soon after the first snow covers the ground around Capp Manor.

After failing to seduce Nora, Hal works on his charms a bit.

Right as Hermia finishes dinner, the mandatory grow-up popups appear again - this time for her own incoming college attendance and Adrian's upcoming birthday into a child.

The family had dinner together...

... And after cleaning up things and relaxing a bit...

... Everyone goes to bed. Except for Hermia, who plays a bit more of the bass and gets a call.

... She's not interested in hobby magazines however and calls it a ngiht as well.

Consort is the one who takes care of Adrian waking up in the early morning.

After taking care of him, Consort tries to squeeze in some final hours of sleep.

The other kids wake up, and have to get ready for school.

As for Consort, he's callign in a nanny for the day, as he practically has 'final promotion' written on his forehead already - and this promotion will help him fulfill his lifetime want, after which he can retire for good.

Consort and Desdemona disrespect the dead by playing catch on the family cemetary.

After that, everyone goes off for their daily responsibilities.

Adrian meanwhile is taken... reasonably good care of by the babysitter.

The teens are first to arrive back from school, and Hal brings home Hermia's friend Ralph.

They hang out during the afternoon, just as Ariel earns some extra money playing the drums at school.

Said drumming skills are enough to convince Quince Summerdream to go back home with her to hang out.

Hermia rolls a want to gain a skill point - and this time I feel like Charisma might be a good option.

Consort got back from work... And he got the promotion and with that he got his LTW fulfilled! Woo!

With that said and done, he can now retire...

Which fulfills the want he had locked in since the start of the game.

Ariel Capp also fulfilled her want to make friends with Quince Summerdream - which apparently was also HIS want.

With time passing 6pm once more, it's time to invite over the family for Adrian's birthday party.

Desdemona manages to squeeze in one more charisma point just as the guests all arrive.

And on the porch things already go south immediately.

Goneril won the fight with her ex-husband. Shame those two can't make peace for the sake of their own children.

At least Ariel manages to finish her homework, despite the murmurs going on.

Hal tries to calm spirits a bit by bringing his brother to the cake and help him grow up.

Unfortunately, because Adrian never learned his toddler skills he grew up badly, which triggers both his own and his father Albany's fears.

After the candles have been blown things immediately go south again - Albany has a nervous breakdown and Kent manages to win a fight with Cornwall.

Cornwall doesn't take the loss and retaliates, just as Goneril and Miranda turn against each other again as well. Poor Hal cannot handle the drama.

The other side of the house is much more calm, with several folks watching television and Puck and Hermia holding hands together.

Most folks got tired however, so everyone went to bed - and then Albany managed to beat up Goneril, which apparently was a power want of his.

Overall that party didn't... go well. Thanks Goneril, Albany, Cornwall and Kent...

The event made a bad impact on Hal, so he couldn't sleep til the morning.

At least he took the time to destress by watching some tv

Then the rest woke up... 

... All the kids are getting ready for school...

With the kids off for the day, Consort has some time to clean up the house...

... and go to the Veronaville Market...

... To get some shopping done.

He also realised his reputation has gotten up again, and so he did what Consort does best, which is bullying Montys.

Dora Ottomas was not amused by his antics.

And Benedick came back for a piece of Consort too.

Consort decided to just buy himself a golden watch to celebrate his retirement and call it quits for the day.

Back at Capp Manor.

The teens got back from school!

As Consort heads off to clean up some more of the bathrooms, he receives his very first pension check. 

Desdemona meanwhile got some interest in sports from all the golfing, and then a chance card pops up for her.

All goes well for her, thought to be honest hobby enthusiasm isnt the most interesting thing in my opinion.

Hal meanwhile is off to the arcade once again.

For he, as a family Sim, wants to fall in love.

First he walks into Benedick Monty however. And Capps and Montys are like water and fire.

As Hal realises that Kendra McCarthy would make a solid match and starts wooing her, Patrizio Monty shows Cornwall Capp that the Montys are not to be messed with.

Sadly Hal's charisma training didn't pay off here, and Kendra rejects his advances. Hal awkwardly stares at the cashier, who can only cross her arms and shake her head.

Hal's retries don't seem to catch on...

... So Hal expresses his frustrations at the expense of the Monty patriarch...

... and Benedick gets a chestful of annoyance, too.

Hal is done for the day.

As the girls are about to return from school, I decided to rewrite Ariel's biography. 

She is proud to show off her high notes to her grandfather, who cheers her on.

Hal meanwhile, has talked throughout the times with his siblings and is about to realise a long-cherished want of theirs:

Adopting their very own kitten!

Even though I don't feel the name fits the family well, I went with it anyways.

Welcome to the Capp family, Bonkers :3

As the kids were watching some television, it was time for the final bunch of daily aging up notifications.

With Hermia being only 1 day away from aging up, it is ready to get her scholarships ready, and then, because the end of the round is the next morning, she'll depart this evening.

Hal and Desdemona meanwhile thought it'd be a great idea to play swing-around at the cemetary. I should really lock that fence.

Welp.. Cordelia Capp's ghost appeared. Best get dinner finished soon and everyone upstairs before---


Consort got there immediately to bargain for his granddaughter's life.

Consort has to pick the right hand.....


... he made the wrong choice...

... fuck.

I'm heartbroken. At the moment of typing I am still heartbroken.

She was literally one supper away to leave for college.
Scared to death by her own mother. 
One of my favourite pre-made Sims in the entire franchise.

Those Capps better roll wants to resurrect her at once.

After the tragedy nobody felt like cleaning up dinner anymore, everyone went upstairs to sleep.

Except for poor Bonkers. Though Cordelia seems to leave him alone.

Desdemona couldn't sleep anymore after the tragedy. She took a bath

Hal woke up early, too.


"Why Hermia?!"

My thoughts exactly.
If it had been Hal or Consort I'd have had more peace with it.
Heck, even one of the children.

... I was really hoping my game would've crashed at this point.

But it was spring already, and with the ghosts retreating to their graves the round was about to end, which means I had to save.

Ariel manages to squeak in the start of a painting. My original plan was to have Hermia paint this at some point, but seen the circumstances...

I commissioned this piece by Arinaca back in January, less than a month before I started this blog. 

After Cleopatra Capp returned to her grave...

... It was time to end the round. 

.. I don't want to click it 😭

... but not doing so would be save-scumming.

R.I.P. Hermia Capp

Winter ended on the coldest and cruelest note for the Capps... How will the Capps and their friends move on after this tragic loss? Is Hermia gone forever, or will someone get the want and the means to resurrect her?

To be continued

Round 6-4 (Goneril Capp)

Goneril Capp's Previously at Goneril's: While Goneril was in jail after killing her ex-husband Albany, Peter spent his days by himse...